Pls change the (incorrect) Feeburner form in French

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Bénédict de Saint-Laurent

Jan 7, 2020, 11:29:02 AM1/7/20
to Upgrades, Wishlists, Enhancements
Once the email address typed, you have to click on the button called "Completez la demande d'inscription".
This is not correct, nor understandable in French.
Completez should be written with an "accent" on the first "e"
Anyway, the verb "Completez" is not the adequate one.
Pls. replace it by "Envoyez", which means "Send"

Another major improvement would be to send a e-mail in French (and not English) to the new potential subscriber
Because of this 2nd flaw in your script, less than 50% of French readers do confirm their subscription. It's a pity...

Below is a correct message in French that could be sent to the new potential subscriber :

"Cher M. ou Mme (name)
Vous souhaitez recevoir le flux de messages provenant du site (blog name).
Pour confirmer votre inscription, veuillez s'il vous plait, cliquer sur ce lien (confirmation link).
Nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture de votre blog.

Maks Verver

Jan 7, 2020, 12:33:00 PM1/7/20
to Upgrades, Wishlists, Enhancements
Hi Bénédict,

Thank you for your suggestions. I'm sure you're entirely correct about the problems with the UI translation, but it's unlikely they will be fixed any time soon.

However, I'd like to point out that you can actually customize the message that your potential subscribers receive, under Publicize -> Email Subscriptions -> Communication Preferences in the FeedBurner control panel. This would allow you to fix the errors in the confirmation message, at least for your own blog.

Even if you customize the message, the email confirmation will still start with an English sentence ("You received this message because someone requested an email subscription ..."). This warning message was added to prevent bad actors from tricking people into subscribing to their feeds by using a deceptive customized message. The warning is in English since the preferred language of the recipient is not known, and English is relatively widely understood on the internet. Of course, this is a rather Anglocentric point of view, but letting the feed author choose the language instead is not a good alternative, because someone acting in bad faith would select a language that is much less likely to be understood (e.g. Chinese or Russian), which would defeat the point of the warning.

Hope that helps,

  - Maks.

Bénédict de Saint-Laurent

Jan 23, 2020, 6:26:42 AM1/23/20
to Upgrades, Wishlists, Enhancements
Thanks a lot, Maks
I have applied your advice and it seems to be working...
There are still some improvements to be done by FeedBurner on items I cannot control, but the message received by subscribers is now almost understandable...
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