I am writing to solicit panelists for a 90-minute UPC++ Birds of a Feather (BOF) session to be held virtually on one of Feb 14, 15 or 16. This is to be one session in the "ECP Community BOF Days" organized by the U.S. Department of Energy's Exascale Computing Project (ECP), and the organizers have yet to assign a specific day and time slot.
The format will consist of two parts. In the first part, members of the UPC++ community (like you) will give short presentations on their work. I estimate 5 to 10 minutes per talk, depending on how many speakers are selected. In the second portion, the speakers will answer audience questions about their experiences with UPC++.
If you are working with UPC++, would like to gain some visibility for your efforts, and believe you will be available for the candidate dates, then please let me know (directly/off-list preferred).
Of course, please forward this email to any colleagues who you think might be potential panel members.
Thanks and Happy Holidays,
-Paul H. Hargrove, PI of the Pagoda project at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab