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UPCXX_SERIALIZED_FIELDS serializes member which is not asked for

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Orxan Shibliyev

Jan 24, 2022, 7:15:28 AM1/24/22
to UPC++

In this code below, I except field j not to be transmitted since I only provided UPCXX_SERIALIZED_FIELDS(i). According to the documentation:

"In UPCXX_SERIALIZED_FIELDS the programmer passes a list of non-static member field names in a class, and the UPC++ library automatically generates the needed serialization logic to transmit those fields (and only those fields) whenever an instance of that class is sent as part of an RPC."

#include <iostream>
#include <upcxx/upcxx.hpp>

using namespace upcxx;

struct MyClass
    int i;
    int j;

        i = rank_me();
        j = rank_me();


int main()

  dist_object<global_ptr<MyClass>> myclass(new_<MyClass>());

  if (rank_me() == 0)
      auto fetched = myclass.fetch(1).wait().local();
      std::cout << "my j: " << myclass->local()->j << std::endl;
      std::cout << "fetched j: " << fetched->j << std::endl;

  return 0;

Dan Bonachea

Jan 25, 2022, 5:59:17 PM1/25/22
to Orxan Shibliyev, UPC++
Hi Orxan - Thanks for your question!

The issue here is not Serialization, because the code you supplied does not even invoke the UPCXX_SERIALIZED_FIELDS serializer you've specified, due to a level of pointer indirection.

This code:

  dist_object<global_ptr<MyClass>> myclass(new_<MyClass>());
allocates a MyClass object on the shared heap of each process and creates a distributed object to hold the global pointer to each MyClass.
Then the call by process 0:
fetches the global_ptr<MyClass> from process 1. The RPC underlying fetch trivially serializes the global_ptr, but NOT the referenced MyClass object (which seems to be what you expected). The subsequent call to local() returns a MyClass* pointer into "fetched" (and this call is notably only valid when process 0 and 1 share a local_team(), ie same-node; this call will crash in multi-node runs using codemode debug). The subsequent expression fetched->j is actually a heap access reading the initial/unchanged MyClass object from the shared heap of process 1.

Below is a modified version of your code that removes the level of indirection (that seems to have been unintentional) so the MyClass object is actually serialzed, with the critical changes highlighted.

#include <iostream>
#include <upcxx/upcxx.hpp>

using namespace upcxx;

struct MyClass
    int i;
    int j;

        i = rank_me();
        j = rank_me();


int main()

  dist_object<MyClass> do_myclass({});

  if (rank_me() == 0)
      MyClass fetched = do_myclass.fetch(1).wait();
      std::cout << "my j: " << do_myclass->j << std::endl;
      std::cout << "fetched j: " << fetched.j << std::endl;

  return 0;

Which should print the expected result:
my j: 0
fetched j: 0

Hope this helps!

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