The root of most ailments of the heart, most foul behaviour and most crimes, specially in our times, is what we say to people.
Given the digital communications worldwide and the instant nature of their propagation and given the criminal character of the financiers of these seemingly innocent companies and their generous free services, instant-bloodshed is at the tip of our fingers.
One of the most atrocious crimes I have observed is religious man or woman talking ignorant non-sense about Allah and cause rifts amongst the servants, with consequent violence.
Before opening the mouth or before typing on the keyboard, ask your Nafs (Self):
1. Was I asked to respond, or is this vain unnecessary talk? 2. Do these words cause harm for others, even those I disapprove? 3. Do I really believe Allah hears my words? Or am I a disbeliever in Allah's all-Hearing Attribute (Al-Sami') 4. Is thing message too verbose?
Best advice for the Sufis:
1. Speak ONLY when Spoken to 2. Serve people food and little comforts of life with proper behaviour 3. Keep the Dhikr (Remembrance) when people asleep
Salawaat and Salaamaat upon the Prophet and his noble family and his revered extended family