select2 in an unpoly v2 layer

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May 11, 2021, 9:16:05 PM5/11/21
to unpoly
In unpoly v1 I had a compiler to build out a select2 widget:

You have to pass an option to attach the select2 widget to the modal instead of the body because:

"This issue occurs because Bootstrap modals tend to steal focus from other elements outside of the modal" [1]

In unpoly v2 I updated this line:

var $modal = $(".up-modal-content");


var $modal = $("up-drawer-content");

 but the select2 instantiation doesn't get attached to the $modal like it did in v1.

Any thoughts?

Henning Koch

May 12, 2021, 6:51:07 AM5/12/21
> In unpoly v2 I updated this line:
> var $modal = $(".up-modal-content");
> to:
> var $modal = $("up-drawer-content");

This looks correct in case you're opening an overlay with the "drawer"
mode. If you're using the "modal" mode you need to select

You might want to add a `debugger` statement before the line to see if
you're selecting the content element as expected.

> "This issue occurs because Bootstrap modals tend to steal focus from
> other elements outside of the modal" [1]

Just FYI: This is an accessibility feature. To support screen readers
focus must be trapped within a modal overlay. Unpoly 2 does the same.

Best regards
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