Fwd: [cppcon plan] CppCon and WG21/SG14

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Michael Wong

May 18, 2015, 1:01:18 PM5/18/15
to unofficial-r...@googlegroups.com, Herb Sutter
Thanks to Herb for suggesting that we meet where the gamers are. Here is the official Announce. 

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From: Herb Sutter <hsu...@microsoft.com>
Date: May 18, 2015 at 6:28:23 PM GMT+2
To: "pl...@cppcon.org" <pl...@cppcon.org>
Cc: "Michael Wong (mich...@ca.ibm.com)" <mich...@ca.ibm.com>, "Ville Voutilainen (ville.vo...@gmail.com)" <ville.vo...@gmail.com>
Subject: [cppcon plan] CppCon and WG21/SG14

At our ISO C++ meeting earlier this month, Mike Wong reported how he led a session about ISO C++ and game development at last year’s CppCon. At that session and since then, Mike has been approached by a steady stream of game developers who are interested in contributing to C++ standardization. And in addition to game-specific developers, there also seems to be a strong overlap with other developers interested in low latency programming for reasons other than frame rates.


When I polled the ISO C++ committee members in the room last Saturday, a couple of dozen said they would be interested in participating in such work – that’s a very strong response for a single topic area.


But how do we engage with this community? To get started, we need to overcome two particular challenges:

·         Some of these people have submitted proposals to ISO C++ before, but it was at a time when the committee was busy shutting down C++11 and it might have appeared that the committee wasn’t interested (though we are).

·         These developers remain interested in contributing to C++ standardization, but they’re busy with their own conference schedule and product deadlines (so we need to meet them where they are).


Together, we feel this means we should start by meeting the gamers (and other low-latency developers) where they already are – starting at CppCon because that’s where they already were to start this drive last year. Furthermore, having “side meetings on particular topic areas” that are separate from full ISO C++ meetings is exactly what Study Groups are for.


Therefore, I have created a new Study Group 14 on Game Development and Low-Latency Computing, with Mike Wong graciously volunteering to serve as the initial SG14 chair.


Our intention is to have formal SG14 meetings located where the developers are, in addition to full ISO C++ meetings:


1. SG14 @ CppCon 2015 in September

Mike and I will convene a full-day formal SG14 meeting at CppCon, on-site if room is available without affecting CppCon’s room needs (it seems there will be since we don’t fill up Meydenbauer).

·         Critical mass: The CppCon SG14 meeting will be attended by a number of ISO C++ committee members and leadership, including of course Mike (SG14 chair, CEO of OpenMP, and chair of Canada’s C++ committee), myself (WG21 convener), and Ville Voutilainen (WG21 Evolution Working Group chair, Finland C++ committee). We hope this shows we’re serious about engaging on this topic area!

·         Agenda: The agenda will be to entertain proposal ideas, to find a core set of proposals that could have critical mass of support and volunteers that we can encourage work on, and to set a draft agenda for #2 below…


(1.5 SG14 between CppCon and GDC?)

Depending on the outcome of meeting #1 at CppCon, there may also be topics raised at:

·         additional SG14 telecons, and/or

·         the two intervening full ISO C++ meetings in October and February.


2. SG14 @ GDC 2016 in March

Mike and I then plan to convene a 2-3 day SG14 meeting (or as much time as is needed), again likely on-site at GDC. As soon as this was suggested, ISO C++ committee member organizations in the room started approaching me to offer facilities support to host this meeting at the GDC site or within short walking distance.


Thanks again everyone for the strong interest! CppCon is clearly already getting to be “the place to be” for the whole C++ community – including the intersection of the standard and the industry. It’s a testament to the vacuum that needed to be filled that when the people on this list “built it,” they did come. Thank you very much for your part in making that possible.






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Michael Wong

May 18, 2015, 1:32:42 PM5/18/15
to Brett Searles, Herb Sutter, pl...@cppcon.org, Michael Wong (michaelw@ca.ibm.com), Ville Voutilainen (ville.voutilainen@gmail.com), unofficial-r...@googlegroups.com
Thanks. Please go to the above google group for now until I start an SG 14 group.

By copy to Herb, please start an official SG 14 reflector. Thanks. 

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On May 18, 2015, at 7:20 PM, Brett Searles <nwcp...@gmail.com> wrote:

Herb, Michael,
This is great news. Count me in for any extra support.
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