Hello Ken,
I'm working on a multi-species occupancy analysis that forms part of my master’s thesis. I’m familiar with the Rota et al. 2016 paper and am looking at 4 focal species. I have a couple of questions that I hope you might be able to help with. The first relates to issues with back-transforming occupancy estimates on outputs with site covariates.
I've been unsuccessful with the backtransform function even when I am running with the model that excludes covariates (see error below). I have also come to understand that the backtransform function is only possible when no covariates are present. Could you advise me on what steps can be taken to back transform occupancy estimate outputs, in particular when covariates are in play?
Example code:
data <- unmarkedFrameOccuMulti(y=y, siteCovs=site.covs, obsCovs=NULL)
occFormulas <- c('~land_cover','~land_cover','~land_cover','~land_cover','~0','~0','~0','~0','~0','~0', '~0','~0','~0', '~0', '~0')
detFormulas <- c('~1','~1','~1','~1')
fit <- occuMulti(detFormulas,occFormulas,data)
Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
[Coyote] (Intercept) -1.456 8.21e-01 -1.772965 0.0762
[Coyote] land_coverGrassland -0.715 1.10e+00 -0.649255 0.5162
[Coyote] land_coverOpen Coniferous -1.031 1.32e+00 -0.780580 0.4350
[Coyote] land_coverShrub Dominated 0.643 1.49e+00 0.432732 0.6652
[Coyote] land_coverWetlands -18.220 2.87e+04 -0.000634 0.9995
backTransform(fit, type="state")
e.g. error: Cannot directly backTransform an unmarkedEstimate with length > 1.
My second question pertains to conditional occupancy. I’d like to be able to apply site covariates to conditional occupancy probabilities. For example, what is the probability that a coyote will occupy a site given wolf presence/absence for different landcover classifications. I believe I understand how to look at pairwise interactions with covariates using occuFormulas…
e.g. occFormulas <- c('~1','~1','~1','~1','~land_cover','~land_cover','~land_cover','~land_cover','~land_cover','~land_cover','~land_cover','~0','~0', '~0', '~0')
[Coyote:`Red Fox`] (Intercept) 8.959 38.049 0.23545 0.813860
[Coyote:`Red Fox`] land_coverGrassland 0.860 1.185 0.72568 0.468038
[Coyote:`Red Fox`] land_coverOpen Coniferous -18.145 5931.796 -0.00306 0.997559
[Coyote:`Red Fox`] land_coverShrub Dominated -11.767 655.041 -0.01796 0.985667
[Coyote:`Red Fox`] land_coverWetlands -9.422 265.672 -0.03547 0.971708
...and how to predict conditional occupancies…
e.g. cond_occ <- predict(fit,'state',species='Coyote',cond='Wolf')
cond_occ2 <- predict(fit,'state',species='Coyote',cond='-Wolf')
…but not how to generate conditional occupancy probabilities with site level covariate effects?
Thanks in advance for any insight.