obsCov error on unmarkedFrameOccu : occupancy model

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Jeanne Nguyen Duy

Apr 29, 2024, 8:48:58 AMApr 29
to unmarked
Hi everyone,
I am really glad to know that we can ask question about R.Mark here !
(I am pretty new so I am sorry if my question is too basic.)

I am using "Occupation models" class from the Quebec center of biodiversity science to search my own data about lizards. 
I am currently working on lizard with 4 encounter occassions / 3 individual covariates for occupancy (Psi) (TROU/VEG/LINK) + 4 individual covariates about each visits (p) (SO1:SO4).
(Before, I was working on MARK by Gary White, but I would like to test it on R)

Capture d'écran 2024-04-29 142328.png

During my work, I met a new problem with the "unmarkedFrameOccu" : it says that my number of rows in obsCov is false but with dim I counted that there is 25 lines and 4 rows... What is the problem ? Is it the form ?

Here the following script I used :

####Standardization of variables 
###Occupation-related variables: 3"
trou_mean <- mean(donnees_LO$TROU)
trou_sd <- sd(donnees_LO$TROU)
trou_std <- as.data.frame((donnees_LO$TROU - trou_mean))
names(trou_std)[1] = paste("trou_std")

veg_mean <- mean(donnees_LO$VEG)
veg_sd <- sd(donnees_LO$VEG)
veg_std <- as.data.frame((donnees_LO$VEG - veg_mean))
names(veg_std)[1] = paste("veg_std")

link_mean <- mean(donnees_LO$LINK)
link_sd <- sd(donnees_LO$LINK)
link_std <- as.data.frame((donnees_LO$LINK - link_mean))
names(link_std)[1] = paste("trou_std")

"Variables related to each visit: 4"

lumiere =  donnees_LO[, c(8:11)]    # Lumiere is for (Soleil / Ombre : Sun/Dark on my wall)
lumiere_mean <- mean(as.vector(as.matrix(lumiere)))
lumiere_sd   <- sd(as.vector(as.matrix(lumiere)))
lumiere_std  <- (lumiere - lumiere_mean)/lumiere_sd

dim(lumiere_std) # [1] 25 4

# Données LO
LO_data <- unmarkedFrameOccu( y = donnees_LO[, c(1:4)], siteCovs = list(trou_std=trou_std,veg_std=veg_std,link_std=link_std), obsCovs = lumiere_std)

And returns the error message : Erreur : Incorrect number of rows in obsCovs data frame And I don’t know the reason… Any advice or help would be appreciated.

Have a nice day,
Best regards,



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