unmarked single season occupancy fits well, but I get errors with mb.gof.test

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Airy González

Oct 5, 2023, 12:23:25 AM10/5/23
to unmarked
I fit single-season occupancy models for a Leporidae dataset where I have 115 sites from which 25 were double surveyed. After modSel() I got the best model was 'psi(elevation + yearBefore_coldestQTmean) p(forbCover + wind  + (1|observer)).' 

I perform VIF, given I know that temperature increases with elevation, and I wonder whether there might be multicollinearity. VIF came back at 4.3; low. There are no errors or warnings up to here. 

Next, I proceeded to perform GOF, and I am getting this error. Does anyone know the reason why the simulations are not running? What would the next step would be to debug this? Perhaps I needed a lower value than 4.3 for my VIF, and maybe I should regress yearBefore_coldestQTmean on elevation?
Thanks for your time,
~AiryScreenshot 2023-10-04 at 10.19.31 PM.png

Jim Baldwin

Oct 5, 2023, 1:06:55 AM10/5/23
to unma...@googlegroups.com
"Bad" condition numbers are usually associated with trying to take inverses of nearly singular matrices. So I would check the parameter correlation matrix for entries that are very close to +1 or -1 as an initial diagnostic.  If none of the off-diagonal correlations are near +1 or -1, then there is most likely some other issue causing the trouble.

There is probably some very nice function in umarked to obtain the parameter correlation matrix but here is a brute force approach (assuming the the occu results are in fm):

covmat <- fm@opt$hessian
cormat <- covmat
for (i in 1:dim(covmat)[1]) {
for (j in i:dim(covmat)[1]) {
    if (i==j) {
       cormat[i, i] <- 1
    } else {
       cormat[i, j] <- covmat[i, j]/sqrt(covmat[i,i]*covmat[j,j])
       cormat[j, i] <- cormat[i, j]


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Jim Baldwin

Oct 5, 2023, 7:07:49 PM10/5/23
to unma...@googlegroups.com
Sorry, I left off the "solve" function in the first line of the code.  Here's the correct code to obtain the correlation matrix for all estimated parameters:

covmat <- solve(fm@opt$hessian)
cormat <- covmat
for (i in 1:dim(covmat)[1]) {
for (j in i:dim(covmat)[1]) {
    if (i==j) {
       cormat[i, i] <- 1
    } else {
       cormat[i, j] <- covmat[i, j]/sqrt(covmat[i,i]*covmat[j,j])
       cormat[j, i] <- cormat[i, j]

The correlation matrix for just the occupancy parameters and just the detection parameters can be obtained more directly with


But if there's an issue that might be explained with large correlations, then I would go with examining all of the correlations of all estimated parameters.


Airy González

Oct 6, 2023, 12:14:29 AM10/6/23
to unma...@googlegroups.com
Jim, that helps a lot. I couldn't access the 'fm@opt$hessian, but I was able to access the correlation matrices for 'state' and 'det.' I don't have values near +1 or -1 on the off-diagonal correlations (See the cormat for 'state' below; the cormat from 'det' is too big to share). If multicollinearity is not the problem. What else could be?
Thanks for your help,
Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 10.10.13 PM.png

Airy Adriana Peralta
​Ph. D. Student​ & Professional Aide
​Ecology and Evolutionary Biology​
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research - CU Boulder

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