hi Noel,
The data structure for unmarked should have all sites included as a single matrix for a given (single) species. So for distance sampling data, you should have a matrix structured like this:
dist1 dist2 .... distD
site1 x11 x12 .... x1D
site2 x21 x22 ... x2D
siteM xM1 xM2 ... xMD
where the columns of this matrix (dist1, dist2, ..., distD) represent the distance categories you collected data in, and xij = frequency of detections at site i in distance class j.
Once you have this matrix for each species, which is easy to create in R most of the time, then you can implement the models directly using distsamp or gdistamp.
If that's not clear, then I suspect you are having trouble manipulating your observation-level spreadsheet into these summaries perhaps? If that's the case you should provide some specific info on the structure of your data and someone on here might be able to give advice.