Hello all,
I am running a single season single species occupancy model for an endemic chipmunk species with a sample size of 162 sites. I have four competitive occupancy models that I averaged. I would like to calculate VIF for this averaged model, however, I am getting an error message (highlighted in yellow). What does this error message mean (my thoughts: that there is an argument missing to select either the full or conditional model to calculate VIF) and how can I fix this error?
Below is my code and output:
#calculate model average of the 4 competitive models
comp_mod_list <- list(mo62, mo100, mo60, mo105)
occ_avg <- model.avg(comp_mod_list)
summary(occ_avg) #examine
model.avg(object = comp_mod_list, fit = TRUE)
Component model call:
occu(formula = <4 unique values>, data = occupancy.dataR)
Component models:
df logLik AICc delta weight
1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12 14 -394.28 819.41 0.00 0.35
1/2/3/4/5/6/7/9/10/11/12 13 -395.80 820.07 0.65 0.25
1/2/3/4/5/6/8/9/10/11/12 13 -395.99 820.44 1.03 0.21
1/2/3/4/5/6/9/10/11/12 12 -397.28 820.65 1.24 0.19
Term codes:
p(scale(Coniferall_cover)) 1
p(scale(FA_HR)) 2
p(scale(Herbaceous_cover_near)) 3
p(scale(juliandate)) 4
p(scale(Litter_cover_near)) 5
p(scale(MF_DI)) 6
psi(MS1_cat) 7
psi(scale(Euc_flowacc1200)) 8
psi(scale(HS_DI)) 9
psi(scale(Rock_cover)) 10
psi(scale(SDI_woody)) 11
psi(scale(Slope_DI)) 12
Model-averaged coefficients:
(full average)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
psi(Int) -0.7841 0.3835 2.044 0.040928 *
psi(scale(Euc_flowacc1200)) -0.2990 0.3620 0.826 0.408832
psi(scale(HS_DI)) -0.6651 0.3521 1.889 0.058928 .
psi(scale(Slope_DI)) 1.3020 0.4188 3.109 0.001878 **
psi(scale(SDI_woody)) 0.9541 0.3710 2.572 0.010122 *
psi(scale(Rock_cover)) 1.1262 0.4516 2.494 0.012643 *
psi(MS1_cat) 0.8194 0.9176 0.893 0.371917
p(Int) -2.9712 0.1913 15.534 < 2e-16 ***
p(scale(Herbaceous_cover_near)) -0.3496 0.1745 2.004 0.045119 *
p(scale(Litter_cover_near)) -0.3549 0.1512 2.347 0.018911 *
p(scale(juliandate)) -0.3199 0.1098 2.915 0.003558 **
p(scale(FA_HR)) -0.4975 0.1487 3.346 0.000819 ***
p(scale(MF_DI)) 0.2927 0.1102 2.657 0.007881 **
p(scale(Coniferall_cover)) -0.6301 0.2399 2.627 0.008613 **
(conditional average)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
psi(Int) -0.7841 0.3835 2.044 0.040928 *
psi(scale(Euc_flowacc1200)) -0.5346 0.3292 1.624 0.104315
psi(scale(HS_DI)) -0.6651 0.3521 1.889 0.058928 .
psi(scale(Slope_DI)) 1.3020 0.4188 3.109 0.001878 **
psi(scale(SDI_woody)) 0.9541 0.3710 2.572 0.010122 *
psi(scale(Rock_cover)) 1.1262 0.4516 2.494 0.012643 *
psi(MS1_cat) 1.3600 0.8139 1.671 0.094734 .
p(Int) -2.9712 0.1913 15.534 < 2e-16 ***
p(scale(Herbaceous_cover_near)) -0.3496 0.1745 2.004 0.045119 *
p(scale(Litter_cover_near)) -0.3549 0.1512 2.347 0.018911 *
p(scale(juliandate)) -0.3199 0.1098 2.915 0.003558 **
p(scale(FA_HR)) -0.4975 0.1487 3.346 0.000819 ***
p(scale(MF_DI)) 0.2927 0.1102 2.657 0.007881 **
p(scale(Coniferall_cover)) -0.6301 0.2399 2.627 0.008613 **
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
> #Multicollinearity
> unmarked::vif(occ_avg, type = "det")
Error in if (full) 0 else NA_real_ :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
> unmarked::vif(occ_avg, type = "state")
Error in if (full) 0 else NA_real_ :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Thank you so much for your help in advance! Please let me know if I can provide any further information.