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Current status of Unladen-Swallow

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Swapnil Talekar

Sep 10, 2010, 10:27:07 AM9/10/10

I wanted to know about the current status of Unladen-Swallow project. The project page describes milestones only till 2009. 
Also, has the PEP 3146 been accepted by BDFL and the python community and what is the timeline for the merging of 
Unladen-Swallow with the Python 3k branch?


Collin Winter

Sep 10, 2010, 6:52:02 PM9/10/10
to Swapnil Talekar,
Hi Swapnil,

I've been busy with other work for Google, but I'm hoping to get some
time to push further on the upstream migration of Unladen Swallow into
CPython. We're still targeting CPython 3.3, though we may not get into
the cycle as early as we would have liked.

Collin Winter


Sep 29, 2010, 7:13:54 PM9/29/10
to Unladen Swallow
Please please please do not let us get swamped. It is a really
exciting development. I use python a lot and would like to see it gain
momentum against competitors like scala or even c++.

Arek Stefański

Nov 8, 2010, 4:10:52 AM11/8/10
to Unladen Swallow
Hey, I thought Unladen Swallow is dead.
Sure seems close to this.
It's really cool project, why is it so 'abandoned' right now? :<

Collin Winter

Nov 8, 2010, 11:48:22 AM11/8/10
to Arek Stefański, Unladen Swallow
Hi Arek,

Jeffrey and I have been pulled on to other projects of higher
importance to Google. Unfortunately, no-one from the Python
open-source community has been interested in picking up the merger
work, and since none of the original team is still full-time on the
project, it's moving very slowly. Finishing up the merger into the
py3k-jit branch is a high priority for me this quarter, but what
happens then is an open question.

Collin Winter


Nov 9, 2010, 12:48:32 PM11/9/10
to Unladen Swallow
> Finishing up the merger into the
> py3k-jit branch is a high priority for me this quarter, but what
> happens then is an open question.

Does that mean there is no longer a commitment to merging the JIT into
Python 3.2 -- or are you saying that WILL be done this quarter?

Really sorry to hear there isn't more interest from Google or others
in pushing this forward!


On Nov 8, 11:48 am, Collin Winter <> wrote:
> Hi Arek,

Collin Winter

Nov 9, 2010, 1:06:59 PM11/9/10
to garyrob, Unladen Swallow
Hey Gary,

On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 9:48 AM, garyrob <> wrote:
>> Finishing up the merger into the
>> py3k-jit branch is a high priority for me this quarter, but what
>> happens then is an open question.
> Does that mean there is no longer a commitment to merging the JIT into
> Python 3.2 -- or are you saying that WILL be done this quarter?

I need to get the code from the Unladen Swallow repository moved into
the svn repo's py3k-jit branch. There are still a number of
issues that need work before final merger into Python 3.x is approved;
the final merger is contingent on resolving the remaining issues in
PEP 3146. The Python community will need to help resolve these

Collin Winter

Reid Kleckner

Nov 9, 2010, 1:31:59 PM11/9/10
to garyrob, Unladen Swallow
On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 12:48 PM, garyrob <> wrote:
>> Finishing up the merger into the
>> py3k-jit branch is a high priority for me this quarter, but what
>> happens then is an open question.
> Does that mean there is no longer a commitment to merging the JIT into
> Python 3.2 -- or are you saying that WILL be done this quarter?

That hasn't been on the table for quite some time. The deadline for
new features in 3.2 is some time in the next few weeks.


Jörg Blank

Nov 10, 2010, 4:48:02 PM11/10/10

Am 08.11.2010 17:48, schrieb Collin Winter:
> Jeffrey and I have been pulled on to other projects of higher
> importance to Google. Unfortunately, no-one from the Python
> open-source community has been interested in picking up the merger

> work, [...]

I think it's very unfortunate that Google does not seem to be committed
on getting the JIT into Python trunk. I think most of the python-dev
community does not believe it's worth the effort, especially as Google
did not seem to have picked up U-S for internal use (Youtube?).

Although my free time diminished quite a bit, I'm still willing to
commit time to U-S and/or jit-3k, but it seems a bit pointless if I'm
the only one working on that. Especially since I'm locked to python2.x
for the time being (maybe I should work on Numpy/Scipy instead?)


Jörg Blank


Nov 27, 2010, 3:46:02 AM11/27/10
to Unladen Swallow
You might want to check out PyPy. They seem to be gaining momentum and
just released 1.4. Their JIT is getting great performance, sometimes
close to C++ speed.


Dec 10, 2010, 7:53:02 AM12/10/10
to Unladen Swallow

On Nov 8, 10:48 am, Collin Winter <> wrote:
> Hi Arek,


Dec 10, 2010, 11:47:45 AM12/10/10
to Unladen Swallow
This is sad.

Brett Cannon

Dec 11, 2010, 2:43:15 PM12/11/10
to disappearedng, Unladen Swallow
Just to remind everyone who wishes to see Unladen merged into Python
3, help is needed (and welcomed!) to see it happening. You can see the
todo list at
and see if you can help write patches to merge the changes from
Unladen into Python itself or the Unladen branch of Python 3.

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 08:47, disappearedng <> wrote:
> This is sad.

Brett Cannon

Jan 5, 2011, 3:24:19 PM1/5/11
to John Szakmeister, disappearedng, Unladen Swallow
On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 02:52, John Szakmeister <> wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Brett Cannon <> wrote:
>> Just to remind everyone who wishes to see Unladen merged into Python
>> 3, help is needed (and welcomed!) to see it happening. You can see the
>> todo list at
>> and see if you can help write patches to merge the changes from
>> Unladen into Python itself or the Unladen branch of Python 3.
> How does an ordinary (non-committer) go about doing that?  Writing
> patches and submitting them via the bug tracker?

Yes, submit them to

>  Also, where does
> Unladen live these days?  Is it still in this Google Code repo, or is
> it somewhere else?

Depends on which version. The released stuff that Collin and friends
did is still there. But the merging work is being done in the py3k-jit
branch at

> My fear is that it takes someone with more knowledge to do these
> things, but I'm willing to at least try to help.

That I have no idea, but you can always ask for help.

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