Shores of Hazeron..guys seriously the universe project has already been made and is free to play

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Mar 21, 2013, 2:49:47 AM3/21/13
i am a bit dumbfounded how many people got excited about the universe project, 

When there already is a game on the internet RIGHT now called SHORES OF HAZERON and everything that the universe project aims to reach is in one way or another working and playerble in shores of HAZERON all in fully 3d first person..
-you can collect materials, with there own quality level..
-you can build tools such as hammers and wrenches 
-the game is indie with to my knowledge 1 person dev team known as haxus
-when you collect enough resources you construct a flag and name it. this will be your first fledgling city..that you can build up by building mines, houses, cantina's and banks 
-full character creator before you play, you can make a typical bipedal humanoid or make the most ugliest or funniest creature that only a made writer can conjure up
-full spaceship and starship designer 
-the game features a 100,000 star system galaxy called HAZERON and each star has a random multitude of planets and those planets have a random multitude of moons you can all colonise and collect valuable resources
-the game is a full mmo first person empire building game, if thats two tedious to maintain than no one said you can't join an already existing actual player empire and act as a mercenary/trader/city mayor 
-amazing player interactions e.g. you can build a wormhole capable star ship and take command of a starship (You constructed in the ship designer) order around NPC crew members whilst sitting in the captains chair or you can jump into the helm computer console your self and navigate the solar system colonizing the rest of your home system.
once you become an intrastarsystem empire you can hire NPC captains and order them to establish trade routes between empire starsystems
-end game content features ship to ship combat in a fully 3d first person or 3rd person environment and planetary bombardment and even harvesting an atmosphere for hydrogen
-full atmospheric seamless transitions
-wormhole travel to reach other star systems
-full 3 d star systems its as real as it gets 
-walk through your city, jump in the captains chair of your ship and order through the com channel to orbit a planet or decide to leave your planet and scout your home system all seamlessly
-make massive battle ships with warp drives and if you wish (IF YOU HAVE FUEL) travel at warp factor 10 to the center of the galaxy which would take probably an hour in real time then colonize the center of the hazeron galaxy
-government taxes and market indurstrys, make a very large and profitalble city and set the taxes as you please (depending on you rank in the government which would be at the top if you start a new empire) 
-you even have to manufacture the currency your empire will use for the economy called bullions and chronodollars 
-full fledged chat system , you can talk through the intercom of your ship or chat with a real player 7 lightyears away
-you can make guns and ammo and buy them 
-procedural planets based on distance from their star 
-full day night cycles and all the planets moons even stars rotate around their parent mass e.g moons orbit planets, planets orbit stars, stars orbit other stars if its a binary star system
Point is the game is functional, might not have the best graphics but the gameplay is just amazing, totally worth checking 
heres the youtube trailer to the game!
and heres a link to shores of hazeron homepage and actual forums unlike the universe project:
be advised the game is still alpha but at least its playerble and free!


Mar 21, 2013, 3:22:03 AM3/21/13
heres a first impression image i made: [IMG][/IMG]

Ben Benson

Mar 21, 2013, 9:46:12 AM3/21/13
Yeah, been there, tried that. I found the game not very user friendly. I can forgive poor graphics if it really is fun but the controls were quite difficult to manage. Also you're missing at least one vital difference between this game and that game, this game will only have supplemental AI whereas that game you had to have to run your cities and whatnot.

Noah Sutton Smolin

Mar 21, 2013, 10:12:36 AM3/21/13
I don't think you quite understand the point of the Universe Project.


Mar 24, 2013, 7:45:29 AM3/24/13
This game is too objective orientated. As in there are kind of stages and set out guidelines of what to do. That isn't what the Universe Project is.
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