Primitive Skills Knowledge

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Chris M.

Jan 8, 2013, 9:08:28 PM1/8/13
Hello Nikolas,

My name is Chris. I have recently discovered your project and am very intrigued and impressed by what you are trying to do here. It is about time that, after thousands of dreams about a common videogame idea, someone had the balls to embark on such a journey. For this, I applaud you.

However, I, like many people have my doubts. It's not that one cannot create a server capable to withstand an entire life-size planet / solar system or that one cannot create enough gameplay elements to keep the game true to the idea, while still keeping it interesting while more elements are in progress. My doubts are that of the quality of these elements; how in-detail you will go with them. Not that you wouldn't try to, but rather it may be extremely difficult to do due to the amount of knowledge one must obtain about all of human history's past primitive practices. Alone, balancing time and effort between learning these skills and then coding them into the game would be near impossible.

This is why I want to help. I love your idea and want you to pursue it with the most support you can get. Throughout my life, I have had the incredible privledge of studying and practicing some of these primitive arts that will need to be incorporated into the game for release or soon after. Some of these skills include Tanning fur/leather (I specialize in Brain Tanning; all natural and process used by nearly every ancient nation), Blacksmithing, Metal Casting, and Smelting. I am no programmer, though I am willing to dedicate some of my free time to helping you with the details of these processes (which I would hope you need if you plan on making these skills more complex than, say, clicking on a dead animal and getting leather from it). I really hope that I can help in some way because I am sure I want this project to survive and thrive just as much as yourself.

To add, I am not here to bullshit you, sir. You can try and learn up on these skills on the internet and it will take you a long, long time to find the right information. With all due respect, you will not even find out what information is right and what is wrong without practicing the methods directly. These are not processes you read about on Wikipedia and fully know. You will be able to learn much more much faster from having a conversation with a practitioner of the skill. The proof is in the pudding; if you doubt my knowledge, we can chat for a few minutes and you will soon find out that I am indeed very serious about what I do and my desire to help. You can even research some of my information and you will find that what you find will agree with what I have said. If you even still hold doubt, I am perfectly willing and even happy to provide photographs of some of my work.

Lastly, this is not just about me. I just want to let you know (if you do not already) that you will indeed need to find people who know about primitive skills and knowledge in order to correctly incorporate these into the game. The ones I know are indeed important primitive arts, however they are not the only ones; there are many, many more. Just please know that, like me, there will be many people willing to help you in creating this dream not simply to help code, but to help provide knowledge that you will need to create quality recreations of real-life skills in-game. Hope I can help.

Thank You,

Nikolas Gauvreau

Jan 8, 2013, 9:31:02 PM1/8/13
to Chris M.,
I've been waiting for you. :) 
Thanks for offering to help, I know there are others like you out there and I hope they find us. Your knowledge will certainly be imperative to the accurate creation of skills and, yes my first thought was to use wikipedia, but there is no way I can accomplish this alone. My second thought was to create a web service that allowed thousands of people to create a web of knowledge, with the data represented in a way that I can use to create the skills and objects accurately in the game. This is still a high priority for the project, but without people like yourself, researching the ancient technology would be an enormous time sink (as I have already done probably 20 hours researching even the most basic tools, and I've still only scratched the surface). 

I've added you to the Open Development project as I have added at least one other with similar knowledge. I'd warn though that it will be quite some time (several months at least) until we actually need to start populating the database with these skills and objects, but you will indeed be sought out when the time comes.

Thanks for your support!


Chris M.

Jan 9, 2013, 4:10:30 PM1/9/13
to, Chris M.
I am not sure if the Open Development Project is a circle or something, but thank you for the invitation. It will be nice to discuss some of these primitive skills in terms of the game with another practitioner. As for the wait, I am more than happy to be patient for this project. Patience makes excellence.



Mar 14, 2013, 9:23:29 AM3/14/13

You say you will make a 'Knowledge web' when will this be online, and how will it work?

Will we get tools to help us fill out the info, like the devs lay out the initial skill topics so Hand-tools, 'Survival skills' etc.. and we add to that, then someone can branch from that.




Mar 14, 2013, 9:26:43 AM3/14/13
to, Chris M.
BTW I'm a Carpenter, I focus in General Structural Carcassing, that's my 'Specialty', I can share info on knowledge in general carpentry and tooling as well.
I'll give you info on those items in-depth if you require.
We ain't all meatheads lol.


Mar 14, 2013, 9:29:01 AM3/14/13
to, Chris M.
Also forgot to mention that many of the techniques we use are thousands of Years old (for example Butt-joints were used since recorded history).. 
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