Travel questions

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Jan 28, 2013, 9:21:03 PM1/28/13
So I had a great idea and pitched it to my friends that we make a gipsie caravan as soon as we domesticate horses(or something big that can pull wagons) and invent the wheel and trade with everyone, during the early game we would be a traveling hub of tech and resources that we would take back to our village.
but then one of my friends pointed out that with the world being as big as it is that we would have to move around for hours, and that he didn't want to play a game where all he did was walk forward for hours.
So my question is can we have one person (since you've already implied that we get more than one) as a traveler that will move along a route that you specify before going to another guy to do things with. or will we have to manually walk that far? and if so how far away will groups of people spawn away from each other?(just a rough estimate)

Nikolas Gauvreau

Jan 28, 2013, 9:23:49 PM1/28/13
Its a good question. First, people can spawn close or far from civilization. It will be an option when they start. 
As for automating travel, there is certainly potential for that, but it wouldn't likely be in the initial release. That being said, I'm leaning towards allowing it (especially since hackers could easily bot their way from place to place anyway).

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Jan 29, 2013, 8:31:28 PM1/29/13
Travel should be a fairly big part of the game in order to establish a semi-controlled market. The beauty with this game is going to be that one player is not the saviour of all man kind who can slay dragons with his pinky, no. It's going to be people doing whatever the hell they want, if people want to make a living transporting goods from one place to another they should be able to do so. If you wish to trade with another player residing in a house 20km to the west, you tell a courier to go there with your goods. 

"But what if he decides to steal my goods?!" 
Well, that's a risk you're going have to take. Either you could have your courier pay you some form of collateral which he will receive upon return with word from your trading partner that the drop-off was successful.
Put a bounty on his head, tell the players who are roleplaying as police officers to arrest that person upon sight. Go look for him yourself, find him in the woods and stab him down. Let's not turn this ambitious and beautiful game into some shitty generic MMO because whiney bastards make enough noise that they cannot be ignored.

I both hope and wish this game will be as good or better than Ultima Online (t2a). 


Feb 7, 2013, 8:17:33 PM2/7/13
Honestly, I believe that there are two things in this ambitious game. A) Realism.  B) Travel and Trading. With this being said, just think back to 500 BC and that era. Humanity had little way to communicate with each other until the wheel came about, then carriages, etc. At start, make it to where everyone spawns in a different place, but those that are friends with each other have the ability to choose a "Spawn with Friends" or something of that nature. Haxors make the game crap. Maybe just try and get a little area settled and colonized with your friends, and wait for someone to pass by and tell them to spread the word could always work?


Feb 10, 2013, 12:05:26 AM2/10/13
How about add roads as an invention. When a road is completed and two markets are connected by that road, automatic trade could take place. I love the idea of making everything manual but having a few things automated would go a far way.
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Feb 10, 2013, 1:49:29 AM2/10/13
No! You want some people earning money by transporting goods from one place to another. You want to give people jobs, stuff to do

Noah Feldman

Feb 10, 2013, 7:00:44 AM2/10/13
jobs doing the fun stuff like guarding and inventing is fine,  nut noone wants to spend thier time holding left click on one point on the screen.

I also say that while roads should increase speed and decrease wee=ar and tear, they should not be necessary for fast travel. character should be able to declare that they are traveling from point A to point B, and after completing the journey they can do an auto-travel from either point to the other. points can be towns or significant geographic features.

Noah Sutton Smolin

Feb 10, 2013, 1:59:01 PM2/10/13
Travel times decrease realistically. If you're around the stone age, you're obviously not going to be travelling across the world. It simply won't happen.

However, as transportation improves, the rate at which you can travel does, too. Thus, as we create things like cars, travelling hundreds of miles won't actually be a significant problem. I would suggest a course mapping tool, though, so you don't actually have to sit there for the whole time while moving.


Feb 11, 2013, 1:13:19 AM2/11/13
Who are you to say what people do not want to do?

I assure you, people will want to do it for the incredibly easy money. Not everyone wants to max out their strength level and kill the figurative dragon with a critical strike. After a while when transportation devices have been made, people will create taxi-jobs. Transporting people back and forth.

Feb 11, 2013, 10:15:51 PM2/11/13
Yeah I would love realistic traveling. I think it will be in the game just because it would hinder the game. If you could instantly travel anywhere at any point in the game.. why invent cars? There has to be a need to invent things and making that need be fixed with a simple unrealistic game mechanic would only take away from the entire idea of this game. If you don't want to do the traveling then don't hire someone else to do it. If you think it is to slow make an invention that will speed it up. Asking for it to be a simple click of the button is the lazy and easy way out and super boring. But this is all coming from the guy who doesn't use fast travel in any game that offers it.. i.e. Skyrim, Far Cry 3. 

Cody Dalton

Feb 12, 2013, 2:59:30 AM2/12/13
Good man! Long travels can also lead to unexpected rewards as well as bad ends, it is as Bilbo Baggins says, "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door. You step into the Road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to".

Noah Feldman

Feb 12, 2013, 5:37:03 AM2/12/13
Logan, noone is suggesting fast-travel. We're just saying that when you've already made a journey once, you can have the computer automate it the second time. This would take just as long as your original journey time, but you wouldn't have to sit at your computer watching old scenery.

Andrew Deehr

Feb 20, 2013, 11:46:53 AM2/20/13
In a game I play, Entropia Universe, you have to discover each town before you can 'fast travel' to and from that location. Meaning you have to hoof your way across a very large map to each specific point to gather it's waypoint location. Once you've done that though it's a TP, and it's instant between cities and locations. That being said, I like quoted above, having to manually go to each location first, as in EU, but then automating it once you've done it, but not in a teleport sort of way, but in a automated, takes the same time as the original route, but it's automatic. 

Interesting concept.


Feb 27, 2013, 12:58:33 AM2/27/13
It's going to be a sandbox MMO, why would you ever ever want to eliminate opportunities to player interaction. Stop trammelizing beautiful games. If you want safety and click on shiny pixels at given times you should go play Farmville or of the such. 
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