Releasing Amara data as Open Data?

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Claude Almansi

Jan 4, 2014, 6:52:18 AM1/4/14
Hi All,

Today I chanced upon Darren Bridenbeck's Create Stats Report for Teams github ticket. Interesting, but rather limited in
  • scope (only one team)
  • potential users (only the admins of the concerned team)
  • data types (only: username, Activity that the user did, Language, Video Name (if applicable), Project that the video was in (if applicable) Total number of videos in the project (if activity relates to a video) Date).

What about releasing all Amara data  as Open Data instead? It would be a great opportunity for research and postgrad theses/dissertations in language and translation studies. And that, in turn, might bring further active volunteer subtitlers/captioners to Amara.

Well, perhaps not quite all Amara data, as there are private teams, but say all Amara data except those concerning those private teams? Then if the Open Data release really proves an incentive for active volunteers to join, maybe the owners of those private teams would change them to open teams.

Just an idea

Best wishes for 2014


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