Hi Dylan,
Thanks for your explanation. Between your lines:
On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 12:49 PM, Dylan Mahoney <
dmaho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Claude,
> Re: Enterprise, I was thinking say if there was an education system or Deaf
> University like Gallaudet to caption all of their videos using Amara much
> like the fashion that Netflix does. The same could be said about Businesses.
Mm actually Netflix is PURE business - and Gallaudet is education,
like Coursera, Udacity (well, these are also business, but possibly
mainly education), Khan Academy. Yes, it would be great if Gallaudet
and/or similar educational institution would subtitle their signed
videos on Amara.
(LOL I see you keep saying "caption" and I keep saying "subtitle": but
as Signed languages are different from spoken languages, providing
subtitles in the written form of a spoken language for signed videos
is making translated subs, no?)
> I'm no specialist in that area but, I do understand that there are huge
> benefits with Enterprising with Amara. There are also benefits from
> individual people creating teams or simply supporting existing teams by
> contributing their videos towards any team. The true goal of mine was to
> make all videos accessible even the ASL, BSL, CSL, etc..
Agreed: also because you can't exclude "post oral" deaf people who
remain within the speach/writing culture. I just got a notice about a
new video communique from the Italian Ente Nazionale Sordi (a bit like
NDA in US): sign-only, though it's about issues concerning all Italian
Deafs. I suppose the reason might be that the Italian Sign Language is
under legislative attack: there's a drive in Parliament to call it
"Linguaggio di mimica e gesti", which is disparaging - kind of
"mimicry and gesture linguo". So the Italian born deaf are all the
more intent on defending it. But I'm not sure that pissing off
non-signing deaf people by not captioning these videos is the best way
to involve them in the fight for Italian Sign Language.
> I thought even for
> the blind using digital braille tracks embedded into video (I don't know if
> there's such technology yet but could be very possible).
Wow, that's an interesting idea: you mean e.g. listening to the
original audio and reading the subs in another language with the
Braille bar? Well, if YOU can talk and sign at the same time, then
maybe some blind people could do that listening+braille reading too.
But in the case of a signed video without audio, perhaps they'd just
prefer to read the transcript.
> I would like to
> explore every opportunity of technology within Amara and work with
> Universities, Businesses alike. Of course with the support from Amara
> directly.
> Stop me if this seems unlikely. :)
No, not unlikely at all. However Amara should clarify a few things in
the the crowdsourcing business concept, particularly concerning - and
to - the "crowd" of volunteers they aim to involve as unpaid human