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New views of teams and users profiles

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Claude Almansi

Dec 19, 2012, 6:08:01 PM12/19/12
Copy of message sent today to the Captions Requested team via Amara messaging:

Dear participants in Captions Requested,

Amara has enacted the new views of teams and users' profiles Dean Jansen mentioned during the Town Hall meeting on Oct. 23, 2012.

1. Teams:

1.1 The main page - in our case - is now labeled "Dashboard" and differs for each of us, because it contains suggestions for subtitling activities on the team videos that are based on the languages you indicated in your personal profile.

1.2 The objective list of team videos that used to be there and that everybody sees in the same way is now in the /videos subpage - in our case

1.3 The other team subpages - /members,  /activity /tasks (well, for teams that have enacted tasks, not for Captions Requested) and, for admins, /settings and its sub-sub-pages, seem unchanged.

2. Users' profiles

2.1 Other user's profiles

2.1.1 Links on the names of other users - e.g. in the activity subpages of a team or of a given video, or in a given set of subtitles, lead to the  /profiles/profile/(user number)/ subpage (e.g. mine is ), which is the "Activity" tab of the user's profile, which lists the user's last activities.

2.1.2 There is a second tab labeled "Videos" that links to the   /profiles/(username)/ videos/  subpage (e.g. mine is ) subpage, which  lists the videos the user has added to Amara.

Sometimes that   /profiles/(username)/ videos/ link gives a "page not found": just replace the user name by the user number and that should work.

2.2 Your profile

Apart from the two subpages described in 2.1, your profile also has:

2.2.1 A Personal Info subpage where you can edit your profile.
Note that you can't anymore indicate your degree of proficiency in your languages there: the only way to indicate your languages - without rating them - is now the pop-up triggered by clicking on the "Select your Languages" in the second menu from the top of all Amara pages.

2.2.2 An Account subpage - - where you can edit your user account data.

I believe that the possibility listed there to "Sync subtitles - Send Amara-created subtitles right to your YouTube videos" is new: I haven't tried it yet, because the second stage implies agreeing to:

"Universal Subtitles is requesting permission to:
    Manage your YouTube account
    Perform these operations when I'm not using the application"

and I'm not sure I want that: first because I'd rather be the only one to manage my YT account, second because Universal Subtitles name has been officially changed to Amara in April, so the permission request should read "Amara is requesting permission" etc.

But I'm a wary 60ish digital migrant: if any of you wants to try, please post feedback in a reply to  , where I'm also posting a copy of this message.


Claude Almansi
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Claude Almansi

Dec 21, 2012, 2:59:54 PM12/21/12
Copy of reply sent today to the Captions Requested team via Amara messaging:

Dear participants of the Captions Requested team,

In my former message, I wrote:

... > I believe that the possibility listed there to "Sync subtitles - Send

> Amara-created subtitles right to your YouTube videos" is new: I haven't
> tried it yet, because the second stage implies agreeing to:
> "Universal Subtitles is requesting permission to:
>     Manage your YouTube account
>     Perform these operations when I'm not using the application"

But Nicholas Reville just wrote me that "Universal Subtitles" has now been changed to "Amara" in this text.

Best wishes for 2013,

Claude Almansi
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