New lady in town, uLink 1.5.1 Lina. And look at what's changed!

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Aidin Abedi

Jan 22, 2013, 3:46:47 AM1/22/13
to unitypark-news, unitypark-beta

Greetings Fine Developers!

I’m glad to present a new stunning release, 1.5.1 Lina - with solid improvements, many fixes (specially for those whom had issues with 1.5.0) and some very important changes (see bottom). We’re not yet done covering all of 1.5's sexy features in the documentation, but we’re working hard and hope to also show off our new beautiful developer site, stay tuned. Don’t forget to catch the new new girl in town:

uLink 1.5.1 Lina (2013-01-22) [exe] [dmg]

New Utility Scripts:

  • New script for handling physics for objects with a RigidBody on the game server. The new script is named uLinkSmoothRigidBodyImproved. And there is also a new example project to demonstrate how to use it. Now it is even more easy to use the unique power of uLink, to use the physics engine included in Unity when coding a game server.


  • Added optional InstantiateOnConnected options in uLinkSimpleServer, so it can automatically instantiate a player owned object if desired.
  • Added NetworkInstantiatorUtility.Instantiate and .BroadcastOnNetworkInstantiate to simplify the the implementation and responsibilities of a custom NetworkInstantiator.Creator. Please note that NetworkInstantiatorUtility.Instantiate will also automatically assign the NetworkView. Also see changes below!
  • Added NetworkInstantiatorUtility.AutoSetupNetworkViewOnAwake and .ClearAutoSetupNetworkViewOnAwake for automatically assigning the next NetworkView, whose internal Awake is called. Don't call these utility methods directly if you're already using NetworkInstantiatorUtility.Instantiate. Also see changes below!
  • Added additional constructor for NetworkMessageInfo which is meant for assigning a NetworkView to an existing NetworkMessageInfo.
  • Added version migration for 1.5.0’s inactive network prefab assets to active.
  • Added NetworkView.ToObjectString(), which only returns the hierarchical name of the NetworkView.
  • Added PrivateKey.GetHashCode override.


  • Fixed issue with "Preventing proxy state by non-server Client" when non-auth server.
  • Fixed double instantiate bug (experienced as double OnInstantiateNetwork triggers) when joining hidden group.
  • Fixed non-critical error "Must be Initialized Server" on server shutdown.
  • Fixed uLinkInstantiateForOthers for uLink 1.5, changing creator to server etc.
  • Fixed possible recursive Awake in NetworkView.
  • Fixed multiple issues with uLink’s editor window “Assign Unique Manual View IDs”.
  • Fixed minor warning issue with NetworkViewEditor.
  • Fixed issue in NetworkVersion parser.
  • Fixed version label width in update checker.
  • Fixed issue with uLink’s version migrators.


  • IMPORTANT: In previous uLink 1.5.0 + Unity 4.0, uLink would inactivate all original prefab assets so it could instantiate them without instantly initializing their components and triggering scripts’ Awake etc. This was to allow uLink to first assign and setup the new prefab instance’s NetworkView (viewID etc), incase any scripts tried to use the NetworkView in their Awake. However, the side-effect was that the original prefab assets would be inactive by default, which might be undesired in some use cases. In uLink 1.5.1, this behavior has changed so that uLink is still able to setup the NetworkView before any script’s Awake, while avoiding inactivating any prefab assets. We’ve added automatic migration for this but, we recommend that you check to make sure all your network prefab assets are active (including child GameObjects).
  • Changed arguments for NetworkInstantiator.Creator, which is now also responsible for assigning the NetworkView and calling OnNetworkInstantiate (optional).
  • Removed NetworkInstantiator.Activator, since Creator is now responsible for both assigning the NeworkView and calling OnNetworkInstantiate.
  • Changed NetworkViewInfo to NetworkInstantiateArgs, which now also contains position & rotation and method NetworkInstantiateArgs.SetupNetworkView.

Best wishes,
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