Based on demand and offer to help from the community, we decided to make the Unified Code for Units of Measure (UCUM:
http://unitsofmeasure.org/) available
again under
https://github.com/unitsofmeasurement/uom-systemsWhile ISO 80000 as a whole may not be published directly (due to commercial license terms and copyright that won't allow to publish the content through an Open Source project) it is safe to assume, that UCUM and Regenstrief Inc. have taken all the necessary precautions to make the UCUM spec and all its units available under these terms:
http://unitsofmeasure.org/trac/wiki/TermsOfUseAt the moment the most likely approach to using these or other modules under Eclipse would be to include uom-se in Eclipse UOMo thanks to
https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!topic/units-dev/-p_gBugCKugWhether or not a UOMo for Java SE 6/7 is still necessary (which would have to implement JSR 363 since the RI cannot be used for license reasons) now that Java SE 8 and beyond are the only supported Java versions, we'll have to see.
It is safe to assume, the "master" and recent version would be based on Java SE 8. Also given that Eclipse Neon and above require Java 8 as well.
By including uom-se it allows applications to use modules for "java8" in uom-systems and other JSR 363 extensions. All of them are OSGi bundles already, that should make things easier.