Update of RI

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Werner Keil

Oct 7, 2016, 2:11:05 PM10/7/16
to Units Developers

Last night, Update 1 of the JSR 363 RI 1.0 was released.
Fixing an issue in NumberQuantity (https://github.com/unitsofmeasurement/unit-ri/issues/47) it otherwise contains a few improvement and added convenience for AbstractSystemOfUnits.
Especially adding a new unit with a desired label and/or name became a bit easier and usually allows declaring everything for that unit in a single place.

UoM-SE should follow relatively soon, e.g. the NumberQuantity issue existed in a similar way, though e.g. the Java SE 8 port already exposed it in fewer places before, so it was less affected by the problem.

We expect to add some more How-tos especially for defining new units via the 1.0.1 functionality in the RI Userguide soon: https://www.gitbook.com/book/unitsofmeasurement/unit-ri-userguide


Werner Keil

Feb 28, 2017, 5:49:39 AM2/28/17
to Units Developers

Last night Update 2 of the JSR 363 RI 1.0 was released.
Following Update 4 of the Java SE implementation 1.0 to be in sync with changes there.

Note, the Units class is now in sync with uom-se, see https://github.com/unitsofmeasurement/unit-ri/issues/56.

This may cause changes to your code at least when it deals with Speed via the METRE_PER_SECOND or KILOMETRE_PER_HOUR constants previously in their plural form.
You may continue to use 1.0.1 if unable to change this in your code right now but have to do so before upgrading to the new version.

Sorry for any inconvenience it may cause, the Java SE 8 implementation had several update cycles and it was removed there, so this gets them in sync again.


Werner Keil

Jul 13, 2017, 3:55:09 AM7/13/17
to Units Developers
After Update 3 of the 1.0 Release of the JSR 363 RI it is worth looking at a follow-up to implement https://github.com/unitsofmeasurement/unit-api/milestone/2 

A corresponding mileston exists under https://github.com/unitsofmeasurement/unit-ri/milestone/5

Please have a look at https://github.com/unitsofmeasurement/unit-ri/issues/67 and share your thoughts, ideally in GitHub or if you prefer here in the mailing list.
Because it contains the characters "RI" I really feel strong sympathy for the name Indriya, let us know, if you don't or have a much better suggestion for the new RI project.

Technically because the future of Java ME Embedded is more than uncertain, a RI.next will be based largely on uom-se. If Java ME Embedded 8.4 or 9 becomes reality and has similar restrictions, we'll offer a fully compatible RI-BP similar to that of SR 354.


Werner Keil

Jul 19, 2017, 5:38:45 AM7/19/17
to Units Developers

Based on https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!topic/units-dev/M4waifnAKWQ the next generation Units of Measurement RI will be called Indriya.
Thanks everyone who voted.

For consistency reasons, the tec.units namespace feels best, so it is along the lines of the current RI and TCK. Although we also registered units.tech when this new TLD became available, we plan to use that as a web shortcut (try htttp://units.tech it already points to the main project site) and keep the "virtual" (fully registered but at the moment it does not work for web URLs) slightly shorter "tec" space currently unique to this project.

Expect an Indriya project in preparation of a new JSR soon. It'll be based on uom-se and implement JSR 363 until a follow-up starts later this year (see https://github.com/unitsofmeasurement/unit-api/milestone/2 for the road map)

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