Linguistic resources for Romanian

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Jorge Baptista

Oct 17, 2013, 1:40:44 PM10/17/13
Dear All, 

I have a student that is studying the predicative nouns and support verb construction in Romanian.
I have knowledge of a DELAF dictionary of the language, whose first reference may probably be:
Dana-Marina Dumitriu 2006. Les premiers dictionnaires électroniques du roumain en format DELA. Philologica Jassyensia. an II (1). pp. 31–45.

Unfortunately, in spite of our best efforts, we could not contact Mme Dana-Marina Dumitriu. I am writing you to ask if it would be possible to give me access and use the electronic dictionary of Romanian in DELA format for use with Unitex. Naturally, this would be the compiled-encrypted .bin/.inf files, and it would be used for research purposes only, with adequate mention of the work's references to be provided in the dissertation.

Thank you in advance.

Jorge Baptista (U. Algarve, Faro, Portugal)


Oct 18, 2013, 4:20:41 AM10/18/13
Dear Jorge,

Marina deceased in 2011. She built her morpho-syntactic dictionary of Romanian while she was a member of LIGM, and we owe to her memory to make it available to Unitex users under the LGPLLR license. We have at least a version dated 2008 and we will distribute it soon.
As regards "compiled-encrypted .bin/.inf files", please note that Unitex bin/inf files are easily unencrypted by the Unitex tools. The Unitex dictionary compressor is meant for quick lookup, not for encryption. As regards "research purposes only", LGPLLR allows commercial use.

Um abraço,

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