Phi and PI in the Quran

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Ali Adams

Aug 14, 2015, 7:49:38 PM8/14/15
to Ali Adams, Hatim Zaghloul, Waleed M., maher amin, Çhadi metab, United-quran, Omar Al Zabir
Salam all,

Please see a possible method for extracting PI from the Quran's aya-per-sura numbers:

C = chapter number    (sura number)
V = verses in chapter (ayas per sura)

Pattern 7:
sum of duplicate C×V multiplications =  17826 = d
sum of unique    C×V multiplications = 191203 = u
circle ratio (π)                    ~= (u/d) / (2 + sqrt(2))

(Unique C×V / Duplicate C×V) / (2 + sqrt(2)) = 3.1415944192072564620209444313063...

exact circle ratio (π)                       = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795...

      difference                             = 0.0000017656174632235583010480268...
      error                                  = 0.00005.62%

Pattern 5 for the golden ratio was straight and direct. This one feels awkward with (2 + sqrt(2)) as a fudge factor, but the error is much lower.

Here is pattern 5 for comparison:
Sum of all duplicate C+V sums               = 7906 = d
Sum of all unique    C+V sums               = 4885 = u
golden ratio (φ)                           ~= (d/u)

(Duplicate C+V / Unique C+V)                = 1.6184237461617195496417604912999...
exact golden ratio (φ) = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2  = 1.6180339887498948482045868343656...

     difference                            = 0.0003897574118247014371736569343...
     error                                ~= 0.024%

And here are the full data:

Thank you for any feedback.


Ali Adams

Aug 15, 2015, 6:38:42 AM8/15/15
to Waleed m, Hatim Zaghloul, maher amin, Çhadi metab, United-quran, Omar Al Zabir, Haifeng, Emre Beyaz, Abdulsalam Al-Mayahi, Jafar Albadran, Jeffery Lang, Ali Pouradam
Thank you brother Waleed for the sincere feedback.

pi | e | phi

are all irrational which means no integer ratio can ever be equal to any of them, therefore we should not be looking for perfect ratios and any error margin is there for a purpose.

Thank you brother Hatim for your feedback too and it wasn't me who found the golden ratio (phi) in this ingenious way and I loud it much more than my feeble attempt at finding pi.

Although my method finds pi correctly to 5 decimal places, it uses two steps which is what annoys me, whereas the method for the phi ratio (I don't know the founder) is a much simpler method as it uses a single step but only accurate to 3 decimal places. Still I feel the phi method is much better than my pi method and this is why I have added the "C + V" tab to QuranCode along with the existing Translation / Tafseer / Similar Words / Grammar / Verb Forms / DNA Sequence / User Text tabs.
Select all chapters and you will see the golden ratio (phi) :)

Better PI Method
The better method for finding pi in the Quran was sent to me by a Moroccan lady from France on PI Day (3.14) after she saw my Quran = Key + Message with 114 = 1 + 113 suras and seeing my research for 2012 and chapter #55 Ar-Rahmaan (The Merciful) which has 355 words that maps perfectly to 355 days in the Islamic leap year.

A Chinese ratio is known to be the most accurate ratio for pi for the length of its numbers.
pi ~= 355 / 113

Chinese ratio = 
Days in Islamic Leap Year     / Chapters in the Message of the Quran
Chinese ratio = (year cycle or circumference) / (the straight path or diameter)

It is accurate to 6 decimal places whereas the Arabic ratio 22/7 is only accurate to 2.

Prophet Muhammed (pbuh+f) said: "Seek knowledge even if it is in China."

Perhaps not because of its far distance but because of their great knowledge or pictorial language.
Watching the movie The Book of Eli gives me hope that we will (in sha Allah) find all translations of the Quran to all human languages inside the Quran itself and the first might be Chinese. Allah knows all.

I love China :)


From: Waleed m <>
To: Ali Adams <>
Cc: Hatim Zaghloul <>; maher amin <>; Çhadi metab <>; United-quran <>; Omar Al Zabir <>
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2015 4:24 AM
Subject: Re: Phi and PI in the Quran

ِAssalamo alikom brother Ali,
  My view regarding ratios that Quran is a perfect book. That is why I am not keen on finding specific ratios as we start indicating error which as small as it would; it still violates the perfection of Quran. From my point of view, it is similar to violating the conservation of energy/mass. I am sure the error is in our interpretation. This is just my personal view and I could be wrong. Otherwise, it is a great Ijtihad and jazakum Allah khayran for all the impressive efforts and help you always do.


Waleed S. Mohammed, Ph.D.

Research scholar
School of Engineering,
Bangkok University,
Patum Thanee, Thailand 12120

Ali Adams

Aug 15, 2015, 1:03:47 PM8/15/15
to Hatim Zaghloul, Waleed m, maher amin, Çhadi metab, United-quran, Omar Al Zabir, Haifeng, Emre Beyaz, Abdulsalam Al-Mayahi, Jafar Albadran, Jeffery Lang, Ali Pouradam
Why don't you double check these facts before sharing dear brother.

ALL IS WRONG. Is he another agent?

He uses Simplified29 (with hamza) in the displayed text but use Simplified28 sometimes and Simplified29 other times in his letter counts. Plus his letter counts are wrong by 1 or 2 in both systems.

Here is what I found. All RED are my corrections:

Assumption: No BismAllah
Quran 10:5
هو الذي جعل الشمس ضياء والقمر نورا وقدره منازل لتعلموا عدد السنين والحساب ما خلق الله ذلك الا بالحق يفصل الءايت لقوم يعلمون

Moon's  Mean orbital velocity
1022     m/s
Earth's Mean orbital velocity
2978?    m/s
29784.73 m/s

Verse   5 in chapter
Word  101 in chapter
Letter 60 in verse-part inclusive of waAlhisaab [Simplified28]
Letter 61 in verse-part inclusive of waAlhisaab [Simplified29]
هو الذي جعل الشمس ضياء والقمر نورا وقدره منازل لتعلموا عدد السنين والحساب

5*101*61 = 30805 = 1022 + 29783

PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795...
4 verses before verse 5 and 4 verses after verse 5:
Assumption: No BismAllah

الر تلك ايت الكتب الحكيم
اكان للناس عجبا ان اوحينا الي رجل منهم ان انذر الناس وبشر الذين امنوا ان لهم قدم صدق عند ربهم قال الكفرون ان هذا لسحر مبين
ان ربكم الله الذي خلق السموت والارض في سته ايام ثم استوي علي العرش يدبر الامر ما من شفيع الا من بعد اذنه ذلكم الله ربكم فاعبدوه افلا تذكرون
اليه مرجعكم جميعا وعد الله حقا انه يبدوا الخلق ثم يعيده ليجزي الذين امنوا وعملوا الصلحت بالقسط والذين كفروا لهم شراب من حميم وعذاب اليم بما كانوا يكفرون
353 letters not 355 as he claims

هو الذي جعل الشمس ضياء والقمر نورا وقدره منازل لتعلموا عدد السنين والحساب ما خلق الله ذلك الا بالحق يفصل الءايت لقوم يعلمون
99 letters not 100 as he claims

ان في اختلف اليل والنهار وما خلق الله في السموت والارض لايت لقوم يتقون
ان الذين لا يرجون لقانا ورضوا بالحيوه الدنيا واطمانوا بها والذين هم عن ايتنا غفلون
اوليك ماويهم النار بما كانوا يكسبون
ان الذين امنوا وعملوا الصلحت يهديهم ربهم بايمنهم تجري من تحتهم الانهر في جنت النعيم
224 not 226 as he claims

PI ~= 2 * 353/224 = 3.1517857142857142857142857142857...  WRONG!

الر تلك ءايت الكتب الحكيم
اكان للناس عجبا ان اوحينا الي رجل منهم ان انذر الناس وبشر الذين ءامنوا ان لهم قدم صدق عند ربهم قال الكفرون ان هذا لسحر مبين
ان ربكم الله الذي خلق السموت والارض في سته ايام ثم استوي علي العرش يدبر الامر ما من شفيع الا من بعد اذنه ذلكم الله ربكم فاعبدوه افلا تذكرون
اليه مرجعكم جميعا وعد الله حقا انه يبدوا الخلق ثم يعيده ليجزي الذين ءامنوا وعملوا الصلحت بالقسط والذين كفروا لهم شراب من حميم وعذاب اليم بما كانوا يكفرون
356 letters not 355 as he claims

هو الذي جعل الشمس ضياء والقمر نورا وقدره منازل لتعلموا عدد السنين والحساب ما خلق الله ذلك الا بالحق يفصل الءايت لقوم يعلمون
101 letters not 100 as he claims

ان في اختلف اليل والنهار وما خلق الله في السموت والارض لءايت لقوم يتقون
ان الذين لا يرجون لقاءنا ورضوا بالحيوه الدنيا واطمانوا بها والذين هم عن ءايتنا غفلون
اوليك ماويهم النار بما كانوا يكسبون
ان الذين ءامنوا وعملوا الصلحت يهديهم ربهم بايمنهم تجري من تحتهم الانهر في جنت النعيم
228 letters not 226 as he claims

PI ~= 2 * 356/228 = 3.1228070175438596491228070175439...  WRONG!

Even the average is WRONG
PI ~= 2 * (353+356)/(224+228) = 3.1371681415929203539823008849558...

He is too desperate to find the Chinese ratio =
PI ~= 2 * 355/226 = 3.1415929203539823008849557522124...  CORRECT

356 letters from Quran 74:2 to 74:30 inclusive, not 355 as he claims:
قم فانذر
وربك فكبر
وثيابك فطهر
والرجز فاهجر
ولا تمنن تستكثر
ولربك فاصبر
فاذا نقر في الناقور
فذلك يوميذ يوم عسير
علي الكفرين غير يسير
ذرني ومن خلقت وحيدا
وجعلت له مالا ممدودا
وبنين شهودا
ومهدت له تمهيدا
ثم يطمع ان ازيد
كلا انه كان لايتنا عنيدا
سارهقه صعودا
انه فكر وقدر
فقتل كيف قدر
ثم قتل كيف قدر
ثم نظر
ثم عبس وبسر
ثم ادبر واستكبر
فقال ان هذا الا سحر يوثر
ان هذا الا قول البشر
ساصليه سقر
وما ادريك ما سقر
لا تبقي ولا تذر
لواحه للبشر
عليها تسعه عشر

357 letters from Quran 74:2 to 74:30 inclusive, not 355 as he claims:
قم فانذر
وربك فكبر
وثيابك فطهر
والرجز فاهجر
ولا تمنن تستكثر
ولربك فاصبر
فاذا نقر في الناقور
فذلك يوميذ يوم عسير
علي الكفرين غير يسير
ذرني ومن خلقت وحيدا
وجعلت له مالا ممدودا
وبنين شهودا
ومهدت له تمهيدا
ثم يطمع ان ازيد
كلا انه كان لءايتنا عنيدا
سارهقه صعودا
انه فكر وقدر
فقتل كيف قدر
ثم قتل كيف قدر
ثم نظر
ثم عبس وبسر
ثم ادبر واستكبر
فقال ان هذا الا سحر يوثر
ان هذا الا قول البشر
ساصليه سقر
وما ادريك ما سقر
لا تبقي ولا تذر
لواحه للبشر
عليها تسعه عشر

Verse Distance 332, not 333 as he claims:
74:30    عليها تسعه عشر
83:9     كتب مرقوم
      Chapter   Verse      Word      Letter
From    74      5525      74660      314099
To      83      5857      76151      320503
Diff     9       332       1491        6404

I will be happy if one of you forward this to him as I don;t use SpyBook (FaceBook).


From: Hatim Zaghloul <>
To: Ali Adams <>
Cc: Waleed m <>; maher amin <>; Çhadi metab <>; United-quran <>; Omar Al Zabir <>; Haifeng <>; Emre Beyaz <>; Abdulsalam Al-Mayahi <>; Jafar Albadran <>; Jeffery Lang <>; Ali Pouradam <>
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2015 12:15 PM

Subject: Re: Phi and PI in the Quran

Ali Adams

Aug 15, 2015, 3:36:13 PM8/15/15
to Hatim Zaghloul, Ali Pouradam, Jafar Albadran, Haifeng, maher amin, United-quran, Çhadi metab, Jeffery Lang, Emre Beyaz, Abdulsalam Al-Mayahi, Waleed m, Omar Al Zabir
It is not about quality. It is about errors.

I can accept that the quality of the phi and pi findings in cannot pass scientific scrutiny but nothing used there is incorrect? It is just they are not accurate enough to irrational numbers that are impossible to reach anyway using integer ratios.


From: Hatim Zaghloul <>
To: Ali Adams <>
Cc: Ali Pouradam <>; Jafar Albadran <>; Haifeng <>; maher amin <>; United-quran <>; Çhadi metab <>; Jeffery Lang <>; Emre Beyaz <>; Abdulsalam Al-Mayahi <>; Waleed m <>; Omar Al Zabir <>
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2015 8:19 PM

Subject: Re: Phi and PI in the Quran

I guess you misunderstood me. I meant that he uses illegitimate science to prove his theory.

Ali Adams

Aug 16, 2015, 5:51:08 AM8/16/15
to Hatim Zaghloul, Ali Pouradam, Jafar Albadran, Haifeng, maher amin, United-quran, Çhadi metab, Jeffery Lang, Emre Beyaz, Abdulsalam Al-Mayahi, Waleed m, Omar Al Zabir
OK I found what the fudge factor [2 + sqrt(2)] is:

A right triangle with a base and height = 1 has a hypotenuse = sqrt(1+1) = sqrt(2)
[2 + sqrt(2)] = boundary of right unit triangle = B

So what Allah (swt) gave us:
Unique C*V / Duplicate C*V = pi * B

So now we need to know why is Allah (swt) telling us about a circle with radius = 1 and a right triangle with base = height = 1.
Any ideas?

I have updated accordingly

Al-hamdu liAllah infinitely ... ALWAYS

Ali Adams

Aug 16, 2015, 7:02:55 AM8/16/15
to Ali Adams, Hatim Zaghloul, Ali Pouradam, Jafar Albadran, Haifeng, maher amin, United-quran, Çhadi metab, Jeffery Lang, Emre Beyaz, Abdulsalam Al-Mayahi, Waleed m, Omar Al Zabir
Inline image

From: 'Ali Adams' via United Quran Research Teams <>
To: Hatim Zaghloul <>
Cc: Ali Pouradam <>; Jafar Albadran <>; Haifeng <>; maher amin <>; United-quran <>; Çhadi metab <>; Jeffery Lang <>; Emre Beyaz <>; Abdulsalam Al-Mayahi <>; Waleed m <>; Omar Al Zabir <>
Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2015 10:48 AM
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Ali Adams

Aug 16, 2015, 7:44:04 PM8/16/15
to Ali Adams, Hatim Zaghloul, Ali Pouradam, Jafar Albadran, Haifeng, maher amin, United-quran, Çhadi metab, Jeffery Lang, Emre Beyaz, Abdulsalam Al-Mayahi, Waleed m, Omar Al Zabir
Inline image

Salam all,

Please think with me. Use the attached Excel sheet to experiment with different radii to see if you can spot any known constants in nature.

A right triangle with a base and height = 1 has a hypotenuse = sqrt(1+1) = sqrt(2)
[2 + sqrt(2)] = boundary of right unit triangle = B

See how Allah (swt) gives pi accurate to 5 decimal places:
Unique C*V / Duplicate C*V = pi * B

Why is Allah (swt) using this figure (see attached)?
Are there any mathematical or physical constants hiding there?
I am thinking of e = 2.71828... for a start !!!

Al-hamdu liAllah infinitely ... ALWAYS

On Sat, Aug 15, 2015 at 12:35 PM, Ali Adams <> wrote:
Thank you brother Waleed for the sincere feedback.

pi | e | phi

are all irrational which means no integer ratio can ever be equal to any of them, therefore we should not be looking for perfect ratios and any error margin is there for a purpose.

Thank you brother Hatim for your feedback too and it wasn't me who found the golden ratio (phi) in this ingenious way and I loud it much more than my feeble attempt at finding pi.

Although my method finds pi correctly to 5 decimal places, it uses two steps which is what annoys me, whereas the method for the phi ratio (I don't know the founder) is a much simpler method as it uses a single step but only accurate to 3 decimal places. Still I feel the phi method is much better than my pi method and this is why I have added the "C + V" tab to QuranCode along with the existing Translation / Tafseer / Similar Words / Grammar / Verb Forms / DNA Sequence / User Text tabs.
Select all chapters and you will see the golden ratio (phi) :)

Better PI Method
The better method for finding pi in the Quran was sent to me by a Moroccan lady from France on PI Day (3.14) after she saw my Quran = Key + Message with 114 = 1 + 113 suras and seeing my research for 2012 and chapter #55 Ar-Rahmaan (The Merciful) which has 355 words that maps perfectly to 355 days in the Islamic leap year.

A Chinese ratio is known to be the most accurate ratio for pi for the length of its numbers.
pi ~= 355 / 113

Chinese ratio = 
Days in Islamic Leap Year     / Chapters in the Message of the Quran
Chinese ratio = (year cycle or circumference) / (the straight path or diameter)

It is accurate to 6 decimal places whereas the Arabic ratio 22/7 is only accurate to 2.

Prophet Muhammed (pbuh+f) said: "Seek knowledge even if it is in China."

Perhaps not because of its far distance but because of their great knowledge or pictorial language.
Watching the movie The Book of Eli gives me hope that we will (in sha Allah) find all translations of the Quran to all human languages inside the Quran itself and the first might be Chinese. Allah knows all.

I love China :)


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