Re: مسودة بحث

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Ali Adams

Jun 27, 2015, 4:43:03 AM6/27/15
to maher amin, Hatim Zaghloul, Waleed m, Sabri Ibraheem, Haifeng, Omar Al Zabir, United-quran, Çhadi metab, Tariq Mahmood
Salam all,

I decided to CC (Carbon Copy) my feedback to brother Maher Amin to the whole group as he seems not to be taking our group any credit.

Allah is watching all of us and this lower life is a test so don't compete for pride and winning favours with other men. Win Allah's Acceptance, not Allah's creation.

Page 24 is enough to prove that surat Al-Tawba has 129 not 127 ayas.
Everything else is noise upon noise.

Basically, if surat Al-Tawba had 127 not 129 ayas then the golden ratio in
Pattern 5: the sum of the duplicate C+V sums = 7906 
           the sum of the unique    C+V sums = 4885 
           7906 / 4885 = 1.618(4...) ~= the golden ratio φ.
would move away from
           7908 / 4883 = 1.61949.... ~= the golden ratio φ.

the real golden ratio  = 1.6180339887498948482045868343656...forever

Repeated Advice to brother Maher:

Statistics cannot be considered as a proof. It is only evidence.
The Riemann's Hypothesis has been proven to work for the first 15 trillion solutions (non-trivial zeros)
but this is NOT A PROOF. Mathematicians want perfect equations, not probabilities.

Please don't waste your time on statistics, join our effort in finding why each sura MUST have the number of ayas it has. We need Mathematical Proof, not Statistical Evidence.

Detailed Feedback:

1) The most repeated word in the Quran is "Min" then "Allah".

Rashaad calimed he is the Khalifa in aya 2:30
وَإِذْ قَالَ رَبُّكَ لِلْمَلَٰٓئِكَةِ إِنِّى جَاعِلٌۭ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ خَلِيفَةًۭ ۖ قَالُوٓا۟ أَتَجْعَلُ فِيهَا مَن يُفْسِدُ فِيهَا وَيَسْفِكُ ٱلدِّمَآءَ وَنَحْنُ نُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِكَ وَنُقَدِّسُ لَكَ ۖ قَالَ إِنِّىٓ أَعْلَمُ مَا لَا تَعْلَمُونَ

and removed 2 ayas and added 112 bism as separate ayas to get his divisibility by 19:
6236 - 2 + 112 = 6346 = 2 * 19 * 167

whereas the 6236 is perfect for so many reason the main one is:
Quran 15:87
وَلَقَدْ ءَاتَيْنَٰكَ سَبْعًۭا مِّنَ ٱلْمَثَانِى وَٱلْقُرْءَانَ ٱلْعَظِيمَ

Book = Key + Quran
114  = 1   + 113  Sura
6236 = 7   + 6229 Aya

where 113, 7, 6229 are all prime numbers and their digit sums
(1+1+3=5, 7=7, 6+2+2+9=19) are also prime numbers.

as shown by Quran and Prime Numbers research by Ali Adams at

The golden ratio is an irrational numbers that cannot be represented as a ratio.
Its digits continue forever ### without ever repeating their pattern. ###

Transcendental number is an irrational number that cannot be the solution of any polynomial equation.
The golden ratio is a solution to a polynomial equation [x^2 - x - 1 = 0]
and therefore is not a transcendental number like π and e.

The golden ratio is the natural ratio with which the whole universe is created.
Imagine light travels along a spiral path with constant diameter (helical path)
as shown experimentally by this Japanese/Ukraine/USA/Korean research:
"Extraordinary momentum and spin discovered in evanescent light waves"
then Abdulsalam Al-Mayahi in his paper "Union-Dipole Theory" proposes that
all constants in nature based on the golden ratio and Ali Adams proposes that
the ratio of the length of the helical wave to its diameter is golden ratio.

Plato described 5 geometric solids not types. 
They are the only Platonic solid in nature.

6) In I3jooba 3, don't say EQUALS but "equals the golden ratio to three decimal digits accuracy".

7) GIVE CREDITS TO PEOPLE who found these patterns (i3jooba).

Try to find the name of the person who found this Golden Ratio pattern or just say found by Unknown as I do in

Allah is watching us all and this life is just a test.


From: maher amin <>
To: Ali Adams <>; Hatim Zaghloul <>; Waleed m <>; Sabri Ibraheem <>
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2015 9:19 PM
Subject: مسودة بحث

الأخوة الأفاضل
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
في نيتي المشاركة ببحث في المؤتمر الرابع للإعجاز العددي والذي سينعقد في بلجيكا في شهر 11 من هذا العام, لقد أرسلت للمؤتمر مسودة بحث غير كامل ويجب أن يرسل البحث الكامل بعد أقل من شهرين.
لقد أرفقت نفس المسودة مع هذه الرسالة, أرجو من حضراتكم أن تنفعوني بملاحظاتكم وأن تقسو على البحث في الانتقاد على الرغم أنه غير كامل وفي نيتي أن أغير هيكليته بشكل جذري واضيف نتائج المرحلة الثانية من البحث.
لا بأس أن يأخذ من وقتكم فالموضوع كما تعلمون مهم جدا ويحتاج إلى تكاتف الأخوة في النصح والإضافة والتصويب ليكون لائقاً بمستوى التحدي الذي فرض علينا بسبب الفتنة التي تسبب بها رشاد.
ملاحظة : أرجو أن توافوني بملاحظاتكم بشكل منفرد , لئلا يجد أحدكم حرج من الانتقاد واعلموا أن صدري واسع لكل انتقاد ولهذا أرسلت لكم البحث.
أخوكم ماهر


Ali Adams

Jun 27, 2015, 7:43:29 AM6/27/15
to maher amin, Hatim Zaghloul, Waleed m, Sabri Ibraheem, Haifeng, Omar Al Zabir, United-quran, Çhadi metab, Tariq Mahmood
Wafaqanaa Allah liKhidmet Al-Quran == may Allah help us serve His Book.


From: maher amin <>
To: Ali Adams <>; Hatim Zaghloul <>; Waleed m <>; Sabri Ibraheem <>; Haifeng <>; Omar Al Zabir <>; United-quran <>; Çhadi metab <>; Tariq Mahmood <>
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2015 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: مسودة بحث

أرجو فتح الملف المرفق

Ali Adams

Jun 27, 2015, 8:05:35 AM6/27/15
to Hatim Zaghloul, maher amin, Waleed M., Sabri Ibraheem, Haifeng, Omar Al Zabir, United-quran, Çhadi metab, Tariq Mahmood
I actually don't care that much about not giving credit where credit is due as Allah is watching all of us.

What I care about is brother Maher's time being used wrongly and our/my time for reviewing his statistic-based research.

"There are lies and there are lies, and then there is statistics."
John Clease (I think)

The same happened few times with brother Sabri as he sends us partial results too and expect us to 

1. verify the partial result,

2. complete it or reject it, and finally

3. link to existing pattern(s) which is my responsibility anyway since I am the initiator of this project (Why each chapter has the verses it has) and responsible for whatever goes on my website.

So again, brother Maher, there is nothing in your paper that suggests you are going to give credits to any of the found patterns although you have cited all other papers.

Inna liAllah waInna elayhee rajo3oon.

From: Hatim Zaghloul <>
To: maher amin <>
Cc: Ali Adams <>; Waleed M. <>; Sabri Ibraheem <>; Haifeng <>; Omar Al Zabir <>; United-quran <>; Çhadi metab <>; Tariq Mahmood <>
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2015 12:37 PM
Subject: Re: مسودة بحث

بارك الله فيك ولك اخ ماهر. الاخ علي كلامه ثقيل ولكن من معرفتي الطويلة به نواياه طيبة. اعاننا الله علي خدمته بدون ايذاء بعضنا البعض.

Ali Adams

Jun 27, 2015, 8:55:59 AM6/27/15
to maher amin, Hatim Zaghloul, Waleed m, Sabri Ibraheem, Haifeng, Omar Al Zabir, United-quran, Çhadi metab, Tariq Mahmood
in sha Allah

From: maher amin <>
To: Ali Adams <>; Hatim Zaghloul <>; Waleed m <>; Sabri Ibraheem <>; Haifeng <>; Omar Al Zabir <>; United-quran <>; Çhadi metab <>; Tariq Mahmood <>
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2015 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: مسودة بحث

هذا هو حسن ظني بك وفقنا الله لخدمة كتابه الكريم وجمعنا في الجنة بحسن نوايانا إنشاء الله

From: Ali Adams <>
To: maher amin <>; Hatim Zaghloul <>; Waleed m <>; Sabri Ibraheem <>; Haifeng <>; Omar Al Zabir <>; United-quran <>; Çhadi metab <>; Tariq Mahmood <>
Sent: Saturday, 27 June 2015, 14:43
Subject: Re: مسودة بحث

Wafaqanaa Allah liKhidmet Al-Quran == may Allah help us serve His Book.


From: maher amin <>
To: Ali Adams <>; Hatim Zaghloul <>; Waleed m <>; Sabri Ibraheem <>; Haifeng <>; Omar Al Zabir <>; United-quran <>; Çhadi metab <>; Tariq Mahmood <>
Sent: Saturday, June 27, 2015 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: مسودة بحث
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