Re: Square Chapters Pattern

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Ali Adams

Apr 22, 2015, 10:41:30 AM4/22/15
to Sabri Ibraheem,,, Hatim Zaghloul, Omar Al Zabir, United-quran
Brother Sabri.

STOP PLAYING number-games with the Word of Allah.

Why did you stop at chapter 49? why not 64, 81 and 100?

I told you already twice: Stop sending me such STUPID inconsistent patterns.



From: Sabri Ibraheem <>
To: Ali Adams <>; "" <>; "" <>
Cc: Hatim Zaghloul <>; Omar Al Zabir <>; United-quran <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: Square Chapters Pattern

square of prime numbers

On Saturday, April 11, 2015 1:55 AM, Ali Adams <> wrote:

For those who don't know Dr Haifeng Xu and Zuyi Zhang, they have gratefully spent their time in analyzing the prime numbers in the first chapter of the Quran (surat Al-Fatiha). Here is the summary

Dr Haifeng Xu and his student Zuyi Zhang at the Department of Mathematics, University of Yangzhou, China and in collaboration with Ali Adams have identified the 7 verses, 29 words and 139 letters of the Quran’s first sura (The Key الفاتحة) as the first prime triplet with consecutive prime digit sums (7=7, 2+9=11, 1+3+9=13) and prime left-to-right (729139) and right-to-left (139297) concatenations with a prime digit sum (7+2+9+1+3+9=31). Dr Xu named the series of such triplets; the Quran Triplets in honour of the ever-revealing Quran.


From: Ali Adams <>
To: "" <>; "" <>
Cc: Hatim Zaghloul <>; Sabri Ibraheem <>; Ali Adams <>; Omar Al Zabir <>; United-quran <>
Sent: Friday, April 10, 2015 11:38 PM
Subject: Square Chapters Pattern

Dear Dr Haifeng Xu and Zuyi Zhang,

Thank you for your last email with the approximation of Euler Number (e ~= 2.71828...) from the 114 number of verses (aya) per chapter (sura). It was interesting but not as close as the golden ratio (phi ~= 1.618) from the same numbers. Here is an up-to-date version of

The reason I am writing to you is because brother Sabri Ibraheem has found something news and very interesting about some of these 114 numbers (chapters with square numbers (1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100) have a square sum of verses (7+176+129+128+77+83+18+18+29+11 = 767 = 26^2) and square sum of digit sums too (7+14+12+11+14+11+9+9+11+2 = 100 = 10^2) where 26+10=36 and 26-10=16 are also squares.

Factors5 * 7 * 1126 * 2610 * 10
Sqrt Sum26 + 10366 * 6
Sqrt Diff26 -- 10164 * 4

Also, brother Hatim Zaghloul has found that the difference between these two squares (767 - 100 = 576) is also a square (24^2).

All details are in the attached Excel file.

I hope this can help us understand the 114 numbers of verses in each chapter of the Quran better.

I tried all polygons (with all 3 >= n > 114 sides) and all 5 platonic solids but couldn't get any similar result. See and the C# program at

Thank you for your time and efforts.

God bless you all,

God > ...

Ali Adams

Apr 22, 2015, 6:34:05 PM4/22/15
to Sabri Ibraheem,,, Hatim Zaghloul, Omar Al Zabir, United-quran
OK my teacher (God) told me that you squared the primes 2, 3, 5, 7 and used the result as sura numbers.

Therefore I was wrong for not seeing that and I AM SORRY for my wrong reaction.

You should have also squared the composites 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 and see the sum of chapters
16, 36, 64, 81, and 100 and see what pattern you get.

This is what I mean by use your brain. Please filter your results before sending them and remember Allah swt says the Quran is Symmetrical.

ٱللَّهُ نَزَّلَ أَحْسَنَ ٱلْحَدِيثِ كِتَٰبًۭا مُّتَشَٰبِهًۭا مَّثَانِىَ تَقْشَعِرُّ مِنْهُ جُلُودُ ٱلَّذِينَ يَخْشَوْنَ رَبَّهُمْ ثُمَّ تَلِينُ جُلُودُهُمْ وَقُلُوبُهُمْ إِلَىٰ ذِكْرِ ٱللَّهِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ هُدَى ٱللَّهِ يَهْدِى بِهِۦ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُضْلِلِ ٱللَّهُ فَمَا لَهُۥ مِنْ هَادٍ {٢٣}

So until you start serious research and don't exaggerate your findings, then please don't email me.

1 7 Primes Composite
2 286
3 200
4 176 176
5 120
6 165
7 206
8 75
9 129 129
10 109
11 123
12 111
13 43
14 52
15 99
16 128 128
17 111
18 110
19 98
20 135
21 112
22 78
23 118
24 64
25 77 77
26 227
27 93
28 88
29 69
30 60
31 34
32 30
33 73
34 54
35 45
36 83 83
37 182
38 88
39 75
40 85
41 54
42 53
43 89
44 59
45 37
46 35
47 38
48 29
49 18 18
50 45
51 60
52 49
53 62
54 55
55 78
56 96
57 29
58 22
59 24
60 13
61 14
62 11
63 11
64 18 18
65 12
66 12
67 30
68 52
69 52
70 44
71 28
72 28
73 20
74 56
75 40
76 31
77 50
78 40
79 46
80 42
81 29 29
82 19
83 36
84 25
85 22
86 17
87 19
88 26
89 30
90 20
91 15
92 21
93 11
94 8
95 8
96 19
97 5
98 8
99 8
100 11 11
101 11
102 8
103 3
104 9
105 5
106 4
107 7
108 3
109 6
110 3
111 5
112 4
113 5
114 6
Sum 400 269
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