The Land of our future people

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Jun 27, 2005, 7:32:07 AM6/27/05
By Anonymous

The Land of our future people has been provided upon which we plan to
create this new kind of community in a very specially created place
which is perfect just for this purpose.

The Endangered Species Sanctuary:

That central area of about 1,000 acres will be left as it is for the
Black Faced Howler Monkeys and whatever other animals may choose to
live there. Not only that but the entire rest of the community of
about 5,000 acres will also be used in accordance with the plan to
preserve the habitat in between settlement areas, and with an
emphasis on the protection of all the lands along both sides of the

With all this in mind:

we have taken a unique view of how to best position ourselves within
the natural world and our activities on the land and especially
things like the Homesteads and the roads that must connect them way
back away from the river. That's why we have chosen to do this is in
such a way as to minimize the number of miles of roads necessary to
access all the Homesteads by using one big ring of homesteads up on
one side of the road and the refuge in the middle.

This is a very large EcoVillage as you can imagine with over 65
Homesteads of over 49 acres each which is by most standards a huge
amount of land. And that is very necessary if we are to be able to
become truly a Sustainable Community. We need to be able to hold
these lands in order to protect them. And that does have to mean
something here. We also do need to be willing to work with the
limitations of the land and its unique position and the country we
find ourselves in.

We are not going:

to be able to just go off and do something like this without being
clear about what this is all about. And that means accepting some
guidance first from T and then later when working with local
government agencies and within the changing rules and laws of this
beautifully growing young nation that is still looking for the right
way to go and we may even have a few things to share.

We are a people with a vision and a desire to go all out towards the
fulfillment of that vision. And that starts right here with those who
are willing to work with the process and supporting the project
without expecting too much back. Later when the consensus process
takes over there will be more than enough and some to share. Until
that time we work closely with what we have. We will not be able to
disturb the general flow of the forest and its continuity. That and
leaving all the trees up along the river banks and beyond is all we
need to do to keep the Howler Monkeys doing just fine.

65 - 70 Homesteads:

What we are going to do here is to spread ourselves out as extended
friends and families living within the forests ourselves and with
what might seem like fairly extensive holdings of land. And I mean
more than 49 acres for each Homestead which can be shared by a group
of friends or a family unit within certain limitations to protect the
land. This, I know does not fit with many peoples expectations about
what they would expect would be the best way to try to live in peace
and harmony in the natural world. But here we are talking about
protecting land not consuming land.

Land Stewardship:

This much land might even be seen as being more any anyone would
need. What we are doing is putting as much of this land into
protection and under our personal stewardship as is humanly possible.
We are the Stewards of the Earth. We are not here to become owners.
We will not buy and sell any of this land. No part of this project is
to be put on the market for sale.

It is all to be protected and it will all be subject to the eventual
governing consensus council of this community. Individual ownership
is not what this is about. Shared use and shared responsibilities is
what we are talking about here. We are giving this back to the Earth
and it is to be left for the next generation to take over
responsibility for taking care of this exquisitely beautiful land
that has everything we could ever ask for and more.

Do reach out to your friends and family to bring the people together
as it awaits the arrival of the people in good stead who come in
lovin peace and living kindness. My name is T. I am the moderator of
this group and the creator of the project. I live in Northern
California. You may wish to come to meet with me and some of the
others to get a better feel for who we are and what we are doing. To
join our email group just send a blank email to


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