Latest unicode-math update

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Will Robertson

Sep 29, 2010, 12:34:15 AM9/29/10
Dear all,

Just a short note to say that despite claiming I wouldn't be doing any TeX work until my thesis was done, there's now a new version of unicode-math on CTAN. (Not sure if it's appeared through tlmgr yet.) It's primarily a maintenance release to keep in sync with some internal fontspec changes, but there's one bug fix that might be of interest: setting the maths font in XeTeX now correctly uses \fam 2 and 3 so that rule thicknesses, etc., are fetched from the correct font.

(Boy, did a lot of my test files change slightly because of this fix!)

Unicode-math uses the first math font set for setting \fam 2 & 3; you can also use \resetmathfont (identically to \setmathfont) to set \fam's 2 & 3 to whatever font you're selecting right then. Also note that if you try and use a non-OpenType maths font only (such as \setmathfont[range=\mathit]{Linux Libertine O}), unicode-math will be sensible and not try to use that font to extract the relevant font dimensions.

Thanks to Ulrik for tracking this down, and sorry it took me a little while to fix what turned out to be a relatively easy problem to work around. For those interested, I don't use Ulrik's \everymath{} solution, but rather set the \fam's with LaTeX's \DeclareSymbolFont{symbols}{}{}{} and \DeclareSymbolFont{largesymbols}{}{}{} at the same time as the new \fam is defined for the new math font being selected.

Best regards,
-- Will

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