1977 Uniflite HIN

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Jul 8, 2020, 12:29:05 AM7/8/20
to UnifliteWorld
Where can I find the factory record for the HIN on my boat? The boat has had a Maryland state HIN indicated on an old MD registration, but no original HIN. Is there a second, hidden HIN? In '77 was the HIN the USCG Documentation? She has a USCG Documentation which previous owners did not renew but nowhere in the line of ownership is an original factory HIN mentioned. Since the Uniflite company is out of business, is there a database available somewhere of boats produced by the company and their HIN numbers? I know the line of ownership but cannot find a reference to a HIN from the factory.


Jul 26, 2020, 7:25:13 PM7/26/20
to UnifliteWorld
I have a 73 42SF in was under a drawer in the galley written in Magic marker#115

Steve Murphy

Jul 27, 2020, 5:47:59 PM7/27/20
to UnifliteWorld
Thanks GP. It seems there are any number of places people have found HIN #s written on/under/over something. So far I have not seen one anywhere but still need to do a thorough search stem to stern.


Jul 27, 2020, 9:19:57 PM7/27/20
to UnifliteWorld
good luck and remember SEACURE TECH may be of help?


Jul 28, 2020, 4:47:57 AM7/28/20
to UnifliteWorld
In 1977, there should have been a HIN melted/stamped into the transom on the starboard side of the flat transom surface.  The requirement for a HIN in that location started in the early 1970's ('72 or '73; my 1971 36 Sport Sedan does not have one).  I have found the hull number in a few places:  on the bottom edge of the head door, written in pencil - I only found it because I took the door off the hinges to refinish it.  I also found it written in pen on a piece of masking tape, taped on the inside of the lower helm station.
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