UCI Demo Instructions

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Pat Wendorf

Mar 31, 2009, 4:11:47 PM3/31/09
to unifie...@googlegroups.com
Hey all,  I'm just forwarding some instructions Sergey wrote up last night, I just finished testing and they seem to work on Linux Desktop machines (not a clue how to get it working under Windows or Mac yet):


1. Go to your favorite EC2 management tool (I prefer Elasticfox) and run one instance of 'ami-3610f75f' image.
2. Checkout https://unifiedcloud.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/prototypes/agent
3. Checkout https://unifiedcloud.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ontologies
4. Copy *.owl files from 'ontologies' to 'agent' folder
5. Copy 'ui.ini.sample' to 'ui.ini'
6. Edit 'ui.ini', uncomment 'server' line and set it to public DNS name of EC2 instance provisioned in step 1
7. Run 'python ui.py ui.ini'.

Now you should see UCI UI which will connect to UCI Agent running on EC2 instance. It will show one ECP VM which you can start or stop.

If everything works well -- you can try to enable EC2 plugin. To do so you need:
1. Login via SSH to your instance
2. Edit /opt/uci/agent.ini
2.1 Fill in your EC2 credentials in 'ec2' section
2.2 Comment line 'plugins=ecp' and uncomment line 'plugins=ecp,ec2'
3. Reboot instance

After reboot, run UI. Now you should see, and be able to control EC2 machines.


I verified with a development EC2 account, it's working just as well as the embeded ECP in there.  For Linux desktop machines, you'll need to download a few packages to get it working notibly: wxPython, rdflib and libxml2. You may also need to open a few TCP ports on your EC2 firewall, 8080 and 5333 come to mind.

Mohamed El-Refaey

Mar 31, 2009, 5:50:19 PM3/31/09
to unifie...@googlegroups.com
Hey Pat,

Thanks for the instructions, can you please add a page for this on the project site.
Thank you in advance!

Mohamed El-Refaey

Pat Wendorf

Apr 1, 2009, 11:11:46 AM4/1/09
to unifie...@googlegroups.com
Great idea, I added it in and made it a featured page:

Pat Wendorf
Product Development Manager
desk: (646) 240-4273
cell: (705) 795-5122

Paulo Calcada

Apr 1, 2009, 11:48:26 AM4/1/09
to unifie...@googlegroups.com
great work guys.



2009/4/1 Pat Wendorf <p...@enomaly.com>
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