PDP-11/20 Emulation with a real RK11-D

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Ashlin Inwood

Jun 29, 2024, 5:30:13 AMJun 29
to UniBone
I  have been playing around with my Unibone and for the most part it has been going well.

However, when I was trying the cpu20_xxdp_rl0_dl11.sh with my real MS-11-L 128KW memory the system would halt when I started it.

DC>>>[08:18:24.839269 Inf    cpu] CPU HALT by opcode at 000020
 R0 000000 R1 000000 R2 000000 R3 000000 R4 000000 R5 000000 R6 177772 R7 000020
 10 000000 11 000000 12 000004 13 000000 14 000000 15 000000 16 000000 17 000000
 BA 000016 IR 000000 PSW 013
You can find the logs here: https://pastebin.com/CcARG1Kk

Now I don't know if the memory card or the emulation that is at fault. I did a test of the memory and it was fine but I think the test may have only been testing block transfers. I also tested cpu20_hello_world_dl11.sh.sh and it works fine, although I don't know if that uses any memory. cpu20_rt11_rl0_dl11.sh and the others work fine without the memory.

Is there any reason why the MS-11-L would not work with the unibone?

Moving on from this my next step is to connect a real RK11-D and drive and run some diagnostics. I'll do this with the emulated memory. I will likely run cpu20_xxdp_rl0.sh, are there any compatibility things I need to be aware of like address mapping?

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