"Personal Data Store" work at W3C

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Michiel de Jong

Oct 24, 2023, 8:50:53 AM10/24/23
to public-...@w3.org, unhosted
Hi all,

Cross-posting this to our W3C-hosted ML and our Google-hosted one.

As you know the W3C has informal Community Groups (CGs) that are open to everyone and formal Working Groups (WG) that are only open to paying members.

I was at TPAC in Sevilla last month, and while discussing the proposed Solid WG with people there, the idea came up that a working group should not be named after a solution but after a problem, so "Solid WG" should maybe be renamed to "Personal Data Store WG".

If that happens, it would be interesting to see if such a WG would pick up work from this CG - in particular our remoteStorage spec, which is currently a rolling Internet Draft at IETF but we could also use W3C as the venue for its development.

I think there might be good synergies and eye-openers in comparing https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-dejong-remotestorage/ and https://solidproject.org/TR/protocol - for instance,
the question we discussed in https://community.remotestorage.io/t/access-control-lists/105/8 : should a PDS protocol include ACLs?

In the https://github.com/solid-contrib/data-modules project we're also building synergies between Solid and remoteStorage.

See also my public review of the Solid WG Charter https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-new-work/2023Oct/0003.html


Diogo Cordeiro

Nov 7, 2023, 2:34:11 PM11/7/23
to unho...@googlegroups.com, public-...@w3.org
Hi everyone, sorry to use this mailing list for this purpose, though I believe some of you might know what to do.

A good friend of mine was scamed through the website eehstore.online that seems to be hosted on namecheap and based in Hong Kong.

I filed a complaint on namecheap, but got no effective answer.
My friend has transfered 2300 euros (in different transactions: he was vulnerably speaking with a supposedly woman who incentivized him towards this, she is on instagram on the account @wt33.44).

Supposedly he has raised more than 6000 euros on this "online resellers store".

Anyone knows what might be done in this case?


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