Hi Brad!
In fact, we don't have any docs on this.
The usage is still pretty straightforward, you need create a SNISSLContext, and for that, you are right, you need your SNIContextMatcher:
```SNIContextMatcher matcher = new SNIContextMatcher.Builder().
.... // include here all the configuration you need for sni, pointing sni server names to SSL Contexts and/or defining a default SSLContext
SNISSLContext sslContext = new SNISSLContext(matcher);```
Once you've done the above, you can use the ssl context in your https listener configuration in the same way you would use a standard SslContext.
I expect that the context could be shared across domains. AFAIK, given the way things are wired internally, you should not have any problem with that, but let me know if you run into any issues.
Best regards,