Hi all,
We use undertow web sever in our Java application to serve requests over MTLS. We recently upgraded undertow-servlet and undertow-core version from 2.2.18 to 2.3.15. With new version, for requests with larger payloads like 1MB size we are getting ReadTimeoutException when our application tries to read from undertow exchange inputstream. Upon further investigation, we realized that this issue is happening from version 2.2.23. Below is the stack trace. Is this a known issue? Can anyone please help?
```` org.xnio.channels.ReadTimeoutException: UT000199: Read timed out after 60000 milliseconds.
at io.undertow.io.UndertowInputStream.readIntoBuffer(UndertowInputStream.java:140) ~[undertow-core-2.3.15.Final.jar:2.3.15.Final]
at io.undertow.io.UndertowInputStream.read(UndertowInputStream.java:112) ~[undertow-core-2.3.15.Final.jar:2.3.15.Final]