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exchange request attributes must be string

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Brad Wood

May 12, 2023, 5:55:41 PM5/12/23
to Undertow Dev
Is there a compelling reason why the REQUEST_ATTRIBUTES attachment in the exchange requires the values in the Map to be strings?  

AttachmentKey<Map<String, String>>

I realize the only place Undertow really uses them is to pass along attribute from the AJP listener.  However, I've found several use cases over the years where I want to set up attributes IO handler chain (prior to the servlet) for my servlet to use later.  Servlet request attributes are allowed to have any value

Map<String, Object> attributes

This design in Undertow makes it impossible for me to set up request attributes which are not strings in the exchange prior to the servlet.  Examples I've run into are SSL certs (javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate) and error exceptions (javax.servlet.error.exception, and javax.servlet.error.exception_type) which can't be set into the REQUEST_ATTRIBUTES attachment.

Brad Wood

May 24, 2023, 5:46:26 PM5/24/23
to Undertow Dev
Any feedback here?

Flavia Rainone

Jun 6, 2023, 1:36:40 AM6/6/23
to Undertow Dev
Hi Brad

I did some research and I couldn't find a reason for that, despite that internally the request attributes are always used as Strings.

I think we can add this to Undertow.


Brad Wood

Jun 6, 2023, 6:32:53 PM6/6/23
to Flavia Rainone, Undertow Dev
Thanks for the followup.  I've entered tis ticket:


Developer Advocate
Ortus Solutions, Corp 

ColdBox Platform: 

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