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UNDERTOW-2312 Regression

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Brad Wood

Nov 20, 2024, 3:05:13 PM11/20/24
to Undertow Dev
I believe ticket UNDERTOW-2312 has has caused a regression my users have reported.  When they are using the ALLOW_UNESCAPED_CHARACTERS_IN_URL  setting, Undertow has now started DOUBLE decoding query parameters.  That means a URL such as:


which used to correctly result in a query parameter value of


now incorrectly creates a query parameter value of

foo bar

Note the %2B is now double-decoded into a space instead of being single-decoded into a plus sign.  I also don't understand why this setting would even affect decoding, as it's supposed to just be for allowing unescaped chars in the URL.  It shouldn't be causing anything to be decoded at all.  Any feedback on this?



Richard Opalka

Nov 27, 2024, 9:48:19 AM11/27/24
to Undertow Dev
Hello Brad,

   Could you please create a JIRA ticket with simple reproducer?


Flavia Rainone

Nov 27, 2024, 10:00:56 AM11/27/24
to Undertow Dev
To complement Richard's response, the issue has an impact in decoding because internally characters are decoded according to the config you are using.

If you look at the PR for UNDERTOW-2312, you will see here: that the unencoded characters in the URL might need to be decoded.

We set the encoded path in the exchange, but if there is decoding required and Undertow is configured to allow unescaped characters, it will do decoding of them.

From your description, there is clearly something we missed when fixing it, I am looking forward to running a reproducer to figure it out.

Thank you,
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