Theory Tweets: my assignment prompt

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Sep 2, 2020, 5:51:37 PM9/2/20
to Understanding the Whole Child OER Resources
Thank you Jennifer for making the Canvas course associated with this book available on the commons. 

I am using the "Theory Tweets" activity this week and it has been a success. I wanted to share the way I wrote the prompt because you had included something like "change the wording" on the Canvas page. I have also made it into a discussion board prompt. 

Theory Tweets

A fun way to explore theorists is to bring their ideas into contemporary society. To do this you will be creating mock tweets in this discussion board and replying to them as if you were one of the theorists. As the theorist, write in the first person, e.g. "I believe..." Own your theory. Keep it short and simple. 

Create a Twitter Handle (screen name) for one of our theorists. If given a social media account, what might they post?  How might other theorists respond?  Complete one original post from the POV of a theorist and reply to two peers as that theorist. 


  • Pick a theorist that we have explored in the Canvas pages or in the book (BronfenbrennerPiagetEriksonVygotskyMaslow, a behavioral theorist).
  • Come up with a Twitter handle (this is a profile name/screen name). This can be creative or just the name of the person. 
  • Write as that theorist, composing a short statement that summarizes an important part of their theory (try to stick to the 280 character limit, but I won't be counting), and adding at least one hashtag to your tweet to really emphasize your point, you may also add a relevant emoji.
  • Stay in character and reply to 2 peers who created tweets from different theorists than you. 

Look at the example below for inspiration:

Example of Original Tweet (I chose to "be" Piaget) Include the theorist's name and user name

Jean Piaget @childrenarescientists

A baby banging and mouthing a rattle is learning in action. #sensorimotorstage #ECEfav

Then find two other theorist's tweets to reply to. Make sure you remain in character (include your name and user name, so we know who you are). Here is an example so you can see what I am looking for: 

Example of Reply tweet ( a reply to Piaget's above tweet from the theorist Albert Bandura)

Albert Bandura @bobodollresearcher

@childrenarescientists I would buy this if they first watched an adult do it. You should really watch footage from my Bobo Doll experiment. #powerfulstuff #seeingislearning

I look forward to seeing how creative you can get!

Be sure to include the (Theorist Name and  @handle) at the beginning of your post and reply.

Adapted from: Child Growth and Development (An OER Course and Textbook) available through the Canvas Commons by Jennifer Paris, College of the Canyons is licensed under CC BY 4.0

Kim M

Nov 12, 2020, 10:23:52 PM11/12/20
to Understanding the Whole Child OER Resources
Brilliant!!! Thank you! My students will love this!
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