Meeting Minutes 20160309

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Peter Duval

Mar 9, 2016, 6:12:22 PM3/9/16
to (Google Groups)
Meeting Minutes 20160209

Town of Underhill
Energy Committee
09 Februrary 2016


Jerry Adams, Pete Bennett, April Desclos, Peter Duval, Chris Miller and Tom Moore in attendance, the regular meeting was called to order at 6:35pm in the Town Hall Kitchen, with Chris in the chair and Peter D. recording minutes as secretary.

Guest: Brian Filak

Public Comment
Project Outlook

Public Comment
Brian Filak introduced himself, expressing his interest in Energy Committee activities. Brian works in construction and has worked on a passive house project. Tom mentioned that his latest house achieved 0.7ACH50, his tightest house yet.

Project Outlook
Chris explained his desire to maintain a list of potential projects, a “project outlook,” and select projects for action that achieve some committee member sponsorship, with at least one member taking an active role in the project. He asked for two project suggestions from each member. He said that he wants to resume the Harvest Market booth and bring the Capstone Weatherization trailer to Harvest Market. Chris wants to continue research on the landfill solar project and is interested in the effect of new net metering rules on the project.

Tom wants to work on weatherization and creating a “cache” of materials that we could use to help residents button-up. Chris pointed out that the committee has no budget. Discussion of town budgeting ensued. Pete B. wondered if Efficiency Vermont could be a source of funds. Tom also described outreach with regular energy tips, newspaper articles, etc. and through the scouts.

April is interested in energy tips and suggested a homeowner welcome kit. She would like to work on the website and curate resources, maybe with the help of an intern. Peter D. said that “content is king.” Chris mentioned the bookmark as a list of reading materials. She is also interested in having a local home improvement case study presentations. Discussion of past home tour and presentations. The committee has both, but committee hasn’t had presentations about specific homes.

Jerry suggested switching the committee meetings back to Wednesdays. He thinks that Bob would then be able to attend. Several members indicated that Wednesdays would be good. Jerry talked to Bob about home visits and street lighting, which are Jerry’s interests.

Peter D. said that “he comes from the Vermont myth,” burning wood, making sugar, etc. He has been working on climate crisis issues for a long time outside the committee. Because the climate crisis is more crisis than ever, he would like to work on projects driven by that perspective. He likes Pete B.’s digging into the biomass greenhouse gas emission issue. As an example, He mentioned roundabouts, ten times safer than signals and signs, and radically more energy efficient, that should be installed at every intersection. But they would also be subject to Jevons Paradox. He wants to pursue engineering optimization, and planning and educational activities through art, literature. Tom asked about specific projects. Peter D. said that the street lighting issue would be good to dig into. Discussion ensued. He distilled his interest to two topics: climate response policy and street lighting.


Pete B. outlined his rubric for assessing projects: 1) related to the committee mission, 2) doable, 3) high probability of success. He suggested activities: finish old projects, reconsider landfill solar, web-based approach to outreach (April mentioned Williston’s effort), town plan follow-up, track the PACE program.

Jerry said that the PACE program might find a different environment in the town now. Peter D. described the original PACE pilot as being more like Solarize than the last effort in Vermont.

Chris said that he would circulate a table of projects.

Discussion of outreach and many policy issues.

Member Items, Correspondence, Announcements

Chris mentioned the Vt’s Changing Climate presentation at DRML on the 19th at 7pm. He also said that the net metering rule changes are broad, covering cap changes, recovery of infrastructure costs, siting and more.

Peter B. MOVED and Tom SECONDED to change the regular meeting to the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Town Hall Kitchen, beginning March 9, 2016. Discussion: Jerry said that the Planning Commission meets on the first and third Wednesdays. Passed UNANIMOUSLY.

Peter D. offered bookmarks to the members. He said that he had recently finished reading David Owens’s The Conundrum, about Jevons Paradox. He asked about handling questions at town meeting, say if someone asked for clarification of the biomass carbon neutrality disagreement, or about street lighting. Discussion ensued. Peter B. suggested inviting people to the committee meeting to discuss it. Chris said that the committee is technical resource.

On a MOTION by Tom, SECONDED by Pete B., the meeting was UNANIMOUSLY adjourned at 8:07pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Peter Duval, Secretary

Approved ______________________________________ date:__________________

Chris Miller, Chair

Meeting Minutes Underhill Energy Committee 20160309.pdf
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