Meeting Minutes 20161109

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Peter Duval

Dec 13, 2016, 10:29:21 AM12/13/16
to (Google Groups)

Meeting Minutes
Underhill Town Hall
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Present: Peter Bennett (PB), April Desclos (AD), Jerry Adams (JA), Tom Moore (TM); quorum established

Called meeting to order; no adjustments to agenda.

Public Comment

This period was used to meet two prospective new members:

Dwight DeCoster (DD), Director, CVOEO weatherization
Charlie Van Winkle (CV), Chair,Underhill DRB

Committee heard about background of each; TM and PB described some of the projects undertaken in the last few years and where we were headed at present.

Both visitors were invited to participate in the rest of the meeting where appropriate.

Approval of Minutes

Motion was made and approved to accept the Committee minutes from the July 13 meeting. There have been no meetings since then.


PB gave brief update on recruitment efforts; FPF seems to be a good way to get the word out. Effort will continue

Projects: On-going and Proposed

Efficiency VT street light program
Information about the current lights (14, all leased) and costs now and if converted to LED’s was reviewed. Committee agreed that this was worth pursuing but would like to see if LED bulbs with lower color values (K) might be used with goal of being easier on the eyes.

PB agreed to seek more information from GMP; AD agreed to continue to research this with Efficiency Vermont.

JA pointed out that some years back, the town elected to remove certain street lights not deemed necessary.

Motion was made and approved to discuss this program with the Selectboard after we have more info on LED bulb choices.

Web site

PB reported that a basic web site has been implemented, without content, using WordPress, a web development site. At the simplest level, there is no monthly cost. To move up in data storage and site control, again through WordPress, would cost ~$110 per year.

AD suggested that to get underway, Committee members could enter some content without difficulty or the necessity of engaging outside help.

Committee discussed and agreed that the web site if properly done could be a repository of energy information useful to town residents. It was discussed and agreed that the best way to determine content and interest on the part of town residents would be to populate the website with some useful (in the committee’s view) information, then using FPF, solicit opinions on content and what would attract residents to the site.

CV suggested that we look at the So. Burlington web site as a possible example.

Harvest Market review

Brief discussion of why attempting to collaborate with Jericho on a hybrid/electric car presentation did not work out. Conclusion was that such collaborations in the future would need to be more formally agreed to.

Home Energy visits

The possibility of certain Committee members conducting pre-energy audit visits to home owners as undertaken in past years was discussed. JA pointed out that some training would be necessary to prepare committee members who were interested in order to carry these visits out. It would also depend on the participation of key members who had a background and interest in this activity.

Town Solar Project

CV was asked if his involvement with renewable energy and the grid suggested any relevant projects for the town. He suggested that Underhill take a new look at a solar installation on town property that might benefit the town. He also felt that even a small installation visible to town residents could serve as a positive message about solar.

TM pointed out that the committee had been interested for some time in this. One site considered last year was ruled out because of possible pollution release issues. Committee will continue to look at possibilities.

Internet guidance for residents

PB asked whether it would be appropriate for the Energy Committee to lead an effort to get accurate information about internet services available to the town residents. There is constant concern expressed on FPF regarding this issue.

PB stated that perhaps this could be construed as an energy issue since the ability for residents to work at home, thereby reducing travel requirements, was contingent on good internet connectivity.

The Energy Committee might act as an organizer to get internet vendors to present up-to-date information to the town.

This undertaking would need to involve the Selectboard and requires their consent that this is an appropriate effort for the Energy Committee. A motion was made and approved to discuss this issue with the Selectboard.


The Committee discussed budget needs for FY18. No special needs were anticipated. We agreed that requests made by other town committees for presentation equipment would benefit us as well and that we would convey this to the Town Administrator.

A motion was made and approved that we request the standard annual budget amount of $500.

On motion by JA, meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 8:05 p.m.

Submitted by Peter Bennett
Chair, Underhill Energy Committee

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