Fwd: Application for 2014 Taiwan Fellowship will begin soon

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읽지 않음,
2014. 4. 15. 오후 2:51:0614. 4. 15.
받는사람 UNC-CH TSA 台灣學生會

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michelle Huang <yu...@tecro.us>
Date: Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 10:39 AM
Subject: Application for 2014 Taiwan Fellowship will begin soon
To: DE <ray.h....@gmail.com>, JHU <ch...@jhu.edu>, UMCP <kang...@umd.edu>, UMBC <s88...@gmail.com>, AU <cl3...@student.american.edu>, GU <pt...@georgetown.edu>, GWU <gre...@gwmail.gwu.edu>, GMU <wch...@gmu.edu>, FSU <ychu...@frostburg.edu>, UVA <cl...@virginia.edu>, VCU <vcut...@gmail.com>, happyt...@gmail.com, VT <yj...@vt.edu>, VPISU <jay...@gmail.com>, WVU <chh...@mix.wvu.edu>, UA <wen...@uab.edu>, UAL <a0353...@hotmail.com>, AL A&M <peng...@hotmail.com>, Duke <chia-ch...@duke.edu>, NCSU <ncsu...@gmail.com>, "Auburn U." <czc...@auburn.edu>, "Clemson U." <clemso...@gmail.com>, USC <tsaa...@yahoo.com.tw>, chienw...@gmail.com, UGA <ugat...@gmail.com>, UGA <tw...@yahoo.com.tw>, GIT <t....@gatech.edu>, GIT <chsi...@gatech.edu>, "Savannah C." <jami...@gmail.com>, GSU <hli...@student.gsu.edu>, "U. of Kentucky" <Helen...@uky.edu>, "U. of Louisville" <w0ch...@louisville.edu>, "Vanderbilt U." <sung...@gmail.com>, caspe...@gmail.com, Ctt...@gmail.com, "U. of Tennessee" <twi...@gmail.com>, "U. of Memphis" <5464...@yahoo.com.tw>, FSU <yc...@my.fsu.edu>, ch6417...@gmail.com, UCF <han...@gmail.com>, UF <tws...@gmail.com>, UF <hippow...@gmail.com>, FIT <ysat...@my.fit.edu>, schie...@my.fit.edu, UNCTSA <unc...@gmail.com>, gton...@gmail.com, USF <hat...@gmail.com>, "U. of Miami" <umia...@hotmail.com>, shihting....@gmail.com, FIU <shao...@gmail.com>, "Nova SE U." <shou...@gmail.com>, "Lynn U." <Suefo...@yahoo.com>, CUA趙君婷 <amy5...@gmail.com>
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Dear Students:

I am pleased to announce this year’s Taiwan Fellowship, which will be accepting applications from May 1 to June 30, 2014.

The Taiwan Fellowship was established in 2010 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), and supports scholars to conduct advanced research at a university or academic institution in Taiwan in fields related to Taiwan, cross-strait relations, mainland China, the Asia-Pacific region, or Chinese studies. Since its establishment, the Fellowship has supported 346 experts and we would like to welcome even more outstanding research.


Attached is the MOFA announcement regarding this year’s Fellowship. For more details or to apply online, visit: http://taiwanfellowship.ncl.edu.tw/eng/index.aspx or


Please forward this message to any friends, professors who you think may be interested in this opportunity.




CJ Liu, Ed.D.
Education Division
Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in U.S. (TECRO)
4201 Wisconsin Ave., NW #20
Washington, DC 20016

Fellowsip Guidelines.doc
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