Two updates today:
Although we have been continuously releasing, a new 'formal' Umple release went out today 1.30.0
Also, the Docker image now works if you pull 'latest'. It had been a bit flakey due to a php version problem
We still have lots of things in the pipeline, so I expect 1.30.1 before the end of the summer.
Timothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., FCIPS
Professor of Software Engineering and Computer Science
/ Professeur Titulaire de génie logiciel et d'informatique
Vice-Dean Governance / Vice-Doyen (Gouvernance)
Faculté de genie / Faculty of Engineering
University of Ottawa / Université d'Ottawa
613-562-5800x6685 Fax:
613-562-5664 Mobile: