Pocket Farm Review 2024 | The Best Food Survival Guide You Need in Crisis

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Anissa williams

Nov 29, 2023, 4:45:40 PM11/29/23
to Ultimate.Product.Reviews

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Pocket Farm is the ultimate guide for mastering survival aquaponics, equipping you with the knowledge to create a self-sustaining system even with limited space and a tight budget. 

It ensures a steady supply of fresh vegetables and fish for your family. With rising interest in aquaponics and survival skills, Pocket Farm is the go-to resource, especially in times of pandemics, wildfires, riots, and droughts.

Aquaponics, an efficient and sustainable form of agriculture, yields up to eight times more food per acre while using a fraction of the water compared to traditional farming

Pocket Farm stands out by guiding you in creating a compact aquaponics system, requiring only 10% of the space conventional gardening needs.

What is Pocket Farm?

Pocket Farm is a revolutionary online program teaching you how to build an efficient aquaponics system, utilizing just 10% of the space of traditional gardening. It ensures a drought-proof, disaster-proof, and recession-proof source of fresh vegetables and fish. The program covers crucial aspects:

  • Creating the Ideal Environment: Ensuring your aquaponics system thrives.

  • Plant and Fish Selection: Choosing the best plants and fish for survival aquaponics.

  • Effortless Maintenance: Keeping your system healthy with minimal daily attention.

  • System Setup: From inception to completion.

  • Fish Introduction and Harvesting: Ensuring a continuous supply of fish and plants.

Pocket Farm takes you from basics to advanced aquaponics understanding through step-by-step video guides and blueprints. It promises fresh produce on your table in less than two weeks, fostering complete food self-sufficiency.

Program Creator

Alex Deacon, a respected farmer and survivalist, is the mind behind Pocket Farm. Known for leadership in survivalism through MyFamilySurvivalPlan.com, Alex brings expertise to the program.

Overview of the Pocket Farm ProgramMain Manual:

The core of the program, offering insights into what Pocket Farm entails.

Video Tutorial:

Step-by-step guidance through aquaponics setup and maintenance.

Quick Start Guide: A concise resource for immediate action.


Pocket Farm, available digitally, grants instant access, allowing immediate implementation. 

With a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee, you can explore aquaponics risk-free. Created by a reputable figure in survivalism, Pocket Farm empowers individuals to achieve food self-sufficiency through aquaponics.

Click HERE to Discover HOW You Can Prepare For It TODAY!

Main Manual


Welcome to the Smart, Easy Way to Food Independence.

Chapter One: Why Survival Aquaponics

  • Aquaculture: Exploring the world of fish farming.

  • Hydroponics: Understanding soil-less plant cultivation.

  • How Aquaponics Works?: Unveiling the symbiotic relationship between aquaculture and hydroponics.

Section Two: Why is Hydroponics Better Than Soil-Based Cultivating?

  • Efficiency: Maximizing output with minimal resources.

  • Less Strenuous: Reducing physical labor while increasing productivity.

  • Flexibility: Adapting to various environmental conditions.

  • Eco-Friendly: Minimizing environmental impact.

Part Three: How Endurance Hydroponics is Different from Hydroponics?

  • What to Consider for Survival Aquaponics: Key factors for success.

  • Using Aquaponics for Drinking Water: The dual benefits of aquaponics.

Chapter Four: Safety Concerns

Addressing potential risks:

  • Drowning: Mitigating the risk of drowning incidents.

  • Electrocution: Ensuring electrical safety.

  • Labor: Minimizing physical strain.

  • Tanks Breaking: Preventing tank failures.

  • Toxic Substances: Safeguarding against harmful substances.

Chapters 1-4 introduce aquaponics fundamentals, benefits, and safety considerations. Designed for those new to the concept, these chapters provide insights and practical solutions for a safe and efficient aquaponics setup.

Chapter Five: The Hardware Introduction

Exploring essential components:

  • Tanks: Choosing appropriate containers.

  • Plumbing: Understanding the water circulation system.

  • Media: Selecting the right growing medium.

Chapter Six: The Fish

  • Tilapia: A popular choice for aquaponics.

  • Catfish: Another suitable option.

  • Other Fish: Exploring additional varieties.

  • Matching Fish to Climate: Considering environmental factors.

Chapter Seven A: What Fish Need

  • Water Quality: Maintaining optimal conditions.

  • Algae: Managing algae growth.

Chapter Seven B: Fish for Survival Aquaponics

  • South: Suitable fish for southern climates.

  • North: Recommended fish for northern climates.

Chapter Seven C: Finding Fish to Stock

  • Legal: Adhering to legal regulations.

  • Certified Hatcheries: Reliable sources for fish.

  • Catching Fish: Techniques for capturing fish.

Part Seven D: Acquainting Fish with the Framework

  • How to Add Fish: Introducing fish to the system.

  • Feeding Fish: Ensuring proper nutrition.

  • Breeding Fish: Facilitating fish reproduction.

Chapters Five to Seven provide detailed insights into hardware, fish selection, and care essential for a successful aquaponics system. From tank considerations to fish varieties, these chapters are a valuable resource for beginners and experienced enthusiasts alike. 

They cover material options, including barrels or IBC tanks, recommended fish types, and sources for acquiring them. For instance, acquiring tilapia is discussed, emphasizing commercial fish hatcheries or fellow hobbyists as potential sources.

Chapter Eight: Vegetables – What To Grow

Chapter Eight A: What Plants Need

  • Supplements

  • Oxygen

  • Pollination

  • Nitrates

  • Lighting

Chapter Eight B: How Nutrient Needs Change

Chapter Eight C: Starting Plants Germination

  • Other Seeding Options

  • Germinating

Chapter Eight D: Buying and Saving Seed

  • Storing Seed

Chapter Nine: The Bacteria

  • Nitrifying Bacteria

  • Mineralizing Bacteria

  • Pathogenic Bacteria

Chapter Nine B: Starting Your System Bacteria

  • Inoculants

Chapter Ten: Worms

  • Why Worms Are Important

Chapter Eleven: Additional Animals

Chapter Twelve: Additional Plants – Water Plants

  • Duckweed

  • Water Hyacinth

Chapter Thirteen: Location and Environment

  • Temperature

  • Sunlight

  • Indoors

  • Heating Greenhouses

  • Other Locations

Chapters 8 to 13 provide detailed insights into plant selection, nutrient requirements, germination, seed handling, bacteria management, the role of worms, additional animals, water plants, and environmental considerations.

 This section is crucial for establishing and maintaining a thriving aquaponics system, ensuring the well-being of both fish and plants. 

It covers the essentials of cycling in aquaponics systems, emphasizing the importance of beneficial bacteria for waste processing and the overall health of fish. These chapters offer guidance on cycling duration and various other aspects essential for success.

Quickstart Guide

This guide provides a succinct reference to initiate your aquaponics journey. Organized in bullet points, it outlines essentials like tanks, frames, media, tools, nutrients, supplements, fish, plants, and animals. 

Specific dimensions and qualities are highlighted for easy use as a checklist during the setup of your aquaponics system.

Additionally, along with the core program, you'll gain access to bonus guides aligned with the goal of self-sufficiency:

  • Free Bonus #1: How to Fabricate a Water Biofilter Guide
  • Free Bonus #2: How to Endure a Monetary Breakdown Guide
  • Free Bonus #3: 27 Items to Hoard Before a Crisis Guide

The Verdict

Advantages of the Program:

  • Guides you in creating a secure, drought-resistant, reliable source of agriculture.
  • Provides access to unlimited email support.
  • Allows you to start producing fresh vegetables and healthy fish in as little as two weeks.
  • Requires only 5 minutes of maintenance once built.
  • Occupies just 10% of the space needed for gardening.
  • Utilizes only 10% of the water used in conventional gardening.
  • Abounds with valuable information, offering comprehensive education.
  • Equipped with step-by-step, newbie-friendly tutorials.
  • The digital version allows you to download the content to your personal tech devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, or desktop computers.
  • Backed by a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Disadvantages of the Program: Pocket Farm is entirely digital, meaning everything is available online and can be downloaded to your personal tech devices for anytime, anywhere access. 

However, it does not include physical materials delivered by mail. If you prefer a printed copy, you can print the guides at home.

Conclusion: Pocket Farm is the ultimate program for learning how to create a hydroponics system at home to ensure a reliable source of food for yourself and your loved ones. 

You only need 10% of the space required for planting and approximately 5 minutes for maintenance, and you could have all the fresh vegetables and healthy fish needed for survival. 

The program is designed to be "newbie-proof," offering an abundance of valuable knowledge that teaches you everything there is to know, making it accessible even for those with no prior experience in aquaponics. 

It also comes with a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee, allowing you to try it out for two risk-free months and see what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions?

Is there any way I can get a printed version of the program? 

The program is digital, so there is no physical printed copy available. Instead, everything is online, accessible instantly on your tech devices. However, if you prefer a hardcopy, you have the option to print the guides on your own.

Is the aquaponics system safe? 

Using a hydroponics system is a safe and more efficient alternative to traditional gardening. Properly following the assembly instructions, especially in the electrical components, is crucial. 

The program also provides safety considerations and suggestions. If any part of the assembly makes you uneasy, you can consider hiring a professional to complete the final stages.

Will I need any prior knowledge of aquaponics or electronics? 

No prior knowledge is necessary. The program is designed to be newbie-friendly, offering comprehensive information and detailed steps to learn and implement the system, covering everything from basics to maintenance, harvesting, plumbing, and more. 

Whatever relates to aquaponics, this program has you covered.

Where is the program available for purchase? 

The program is solely available for purchase on the official website here. If you come across it elsewhere, it is likely a counterfeit version.

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