How Zelenskyy’s Security Service Silences Peaceful Voices & the Ignorance of the Western Media

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Yurii Sheliazhenko

Aug 24, 2023, 6:28:55 AM8/24/23
to, WBW discussion, NO TO NATO NO TO WAR,, EBCO board, ukrrights,,,,,
How Zelenskyy’s Security Service Silences Peaceful Voices & the Ignorance of the Western Media

In this episode of The Source, we speak with Yurii Sheliazhenko, Executive Secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, about why Ukrainian intelligence under President Volodymyr Zelenskyy raided his home and accused him of “justifying Russian aggression,” even though Yurii believes the Russian war against Ukraine is a crime against humanity. Yurii is currently under house arrest and facing the possibility of 5 years in prison. We also examine the state of the peace movement and media in Ukraine and whether voices advocating for a ceasefire and de-escalation are given a platform. We also inquire about how the Ukrainian population is reacting to the martial law imposed by Zelenskyy, which prohibits men between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving the country. Furthermore we check the truthfulness of an article in The Guardian newspaper, which reports that mobilization officers roam the streets and load men into vans to send them to recruiting offices. Finally, we explore the question of why the Western media, particularly in Germany, continue to underreport such cases of human rights abuses in Ukraine.

Юрій Шеляженко, керівник і засновник Українського Руху Пацифістів, розповів у інтерв'ю The Source про політичні репресії проти пацифістів і чому медіа не приділяють достатньої уваги такій ознаці занепаду демократії.
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