I currently have to test each section to see if they work and convert to machine code.
// Maybe less than 128 bytes, I think 115 bytes
// The program of tic tac toe
// 1 | 2 | 3
// ---------
// 4 | 5 | 6
// ---------
// 7 | 8 | 9
// write down the board on a peice of paper
// b6 lighting up means it's your turn
// You will enter a number from 1 to 9 in binary
// and push b7 for the computers turn
// b7 lighting up means it's the computers turn
// b4-b0 will give a binary number for the computers move
// known issues: I have not put in a delay for the computers response
// Scroll to the end if a opcode is unfamiliar to you
0. Starting Animation
LDR X #008 ; Loop counter
SUB X #001
ADD A #001
JPM delay
STR A 200
BNE X animation_loop
LDR X #007
JPM delay
STR A 200
BNE X clear_animation
1. Initialize the board by setting all the locations from 301 to 311 to 0, also 300 for turn count.
LDR A #000 ;Load zero into register A
LDR B #300 ; Start of tic tac toe board
LDR X #012 ; loop counter
SUB X #001 ; decrement loop counter
STR A (B),X ; store zero into the last address (311) first
BNE X clear_loop ; continue looping trough 311 to 301 then continue
2. When it's the player's turn:
2a. Turn on b6 at 200 to indicate the player's turn.
LDR X #000
STR X 200
SET 6 200
JMP get_input
2b. Get the player's move from input register 377.
JMP get_input
ADD A 200
BNE clear_display
STR A 200
LDR A #000
STR A 377
LDR X 377
BEQ X get_input
SFS 7 377 ;skip to next step if button 7 pressed
JMP user_input
JMP test_if_valid_input
2c. Check if the player's move is valid (i.e., a number from 1 to 9). If not, go back to step 3b.
LDR A 200 ; load stored input
SUB A #100 ; remove player flag
BEQ A get_input ; If the result is 0, the move is not valid, go back to get_input
SUB A #012 ; subtract 012 to check if value is from 001 to 011
BPL A clear_display ; jump to start over if greater than 011
2d. Check if the location on the board corresponding to the player's move is empty (i.e., has a value of 0). If not, go back to step 3b.
LDR B 200
ADD B #200
BNE A clear_display
2e. Update the location on the board corresponding to the player's move with the player's marker (e.g., 1 for X or 2 for O).
LDR A #010 ; load players mark into A
STR A (B) ; store players mark to location
LDR A 300 ; Load turn count
ADD A #001 ; increment turn count
STR A 300 ; update turn count
2f. Go to Step 4 to check if the player has won.
JMP check_for_win
3. When it's the computer's turn:
3a. Turn on b7 at 200 to indicate the computer's turn.
LDR X #000
STR X 200
SET 7 200
3b. Generate a random move that is not already taken (i.e., has a value of 0) on the board.
LDR B #300 ; set B to 300 for loop
ADD B #001 ; start at 301
LDR A (B) ; load value at current location into A
BNE A random_move ; try another move if not available
3c. Update the location on the board corresponding to the computer's move with the computer's marker.
LDR A #001 ; load computers mark into A
STR A (B) ; store computers mark to location
LDR A 300 ; Load turn count
ADD A #001 ; increment turn count
STR A 300 ; update turn count
3d. Check if the computer has won the game. Go to step 4.
JMP check_for_win
4. Check for Win
; Check for rows
LDR A 301
AND A 302
AND A 303
BNE A end_game
LDR A 304
AND A 305
AND A 306
BNE A end_game
LDR A 307
AND A 308
AND A 309
BNE A end_game
; Check for columns
LDR A 301
AND A 304
AND A 307
BNE A end_game
LDR A 302
AND A 305
AND A 308
BNE A end_game
LDR A 303
AND A 306
AND A 309
BNE A end_game
; Check for diagonals
LDR A 301
AND A 305
AND A 309
BNE A end_game
LDR A 303
AND A 305
AND A 307
BNE A end_game
check_for_tie ;if 376 is 9 then end_game
LDR A 376
SUB A #011
BEQ A end_game
SFS 6 200 ;if player flag is set then goto computer's turn
JMP players_turn
JMP computers_turn
5. When the game ends:
5a. Display an ending LED animation using only b4,b3,b2,b1,b0 at 200.
LDR A 200 ; load the current player
AND A #300
ADD A #100 ; to light up all LED's to the right of the player
SUB A #001
STR A 200
BNE A end_game_animation
5b. Go back to step 1 to start a new game.
JMP 004 ; Jump unconditional to start
6. Subroutines
delay: ; call by using JPM delay
STR X 373 ; after the return value is stored this is the line that is executed first
LDR X #000
SUB X #001
BNE X delay_loop
LDR X 373 ; get stored X from call save for X
JMP (220)
Operations for the Kenbak-1
AND Logical AND
BEQ Branch if equal
BGT Branch if greater than
BMI Branch if minus
BNE Branch if not equal
BPL Branch if plus
CLR Clear bit
JPM Jump and Mark 364
JMP Jump (unconditional) 344
JEQ Jump and Mark if equal
JGT Jump and Mark if greater than
JMI Jump and Mark if minus
JNE Jump and Mark if not equal
JPL Jump and Mark if plus
LDN Load negative
LDR Load register
ORA Logical OR
ROL Rotate left
ROR Rotate right
SFC Skip if bit is Clear
SET Set bit
SFS Skip if bit is Set
SHL Shift left
SHR Shift right
STR Store register
SUB Subtract
NOP No operation
HLT Halt the program