I'd like to use ppv to compute the similarity between concepts
(synsets). The
similarity.pl script expects word pairs and a
dictionary. However, for my application, I already have disambiguated
concepts, and do not want to use a dictionary - I just want the cosine
of the PPV vectors on the concept graph. How do I do this?
I tried using a dummy dictionary with just the concept ids as the
dictionary entries, but I'm not sure if this is the right approach.
Here is an example with words and a dictionary:
echo "abyssinian_cat alley_cat" | ./
similarity.pl --sim dot --ukbargs
"--concept_graph --only_ctx_words --only_synsets --dict_file ../
lkb_sources/30/wnet30_dict.txt --kb_binfile ../bin/wnet30_rels.bin"
abyssinian_cat alley_cat 0.1137679974
to avoid using words, I create a dummy dictionary, and run using the
concept ids
02124313 02124313-n:0
02122510 02122510-n:1
echo "02124313 02122510" | ./
similarity.pl --sim dot --ukbargs "--
concept_graph --only_synsets --dict_file test_dict.txt --kb_binfile ../
02124313 02122510 0.1137679974
And get the same result as expected. But I would like to avoid using
the dummy dictionary.
Vijay Garla
Yale Computational Biology and Bioinformatics