I'm having trouble running the ukb_wsd on the example in the README file. Here's what I did:
1. Downloaded lkb_sources and generated the dictionary via:
$ compile_kb -o wn30.bin wn30_rels.txt
2. Created a context file with the following contents:
man#n#w1#1 kill#v#w2#1 cat#n#w3#1 hammer#n#w4#1
3. Executed ukb_wsd as follows:
$ ukb_wsd -K wn30.bin -D graphs/lkb_sources/30/wnet30_dict.txt --ppr_w2w --allranks context.txt
There is no output, because all words are tied with 0 rank:
$ ukb_wsd -K wn30.bin -D graphs/lkb_sources/30/wnet30_dict.txt --ppr_w2w --ties --allranks context.txt
!! -v 2.1.16.gc66c61b src/ukb_wsd -K wn30.bin -D graphs/lkb_sources/30/wnet30_dict.txt --ppr_w2w --ties --allranks context.txt
ctx_01 w1 10287213-n/0 10582746-n/0 10289039-n/0 02472293-n/0 10289176-n/0 10288763-n/0 10745332-n/0 10288516-n/0 08887716-n/0 03716327-n/0 02472987-n/0 !! man
ctx_01 w2 00355177-v/0 00355365-v/0 00355524-v/0 00478830-v/0 01202374-v/0 01325536-v/0 01325774-v/0 01407235-v/0 01407376-v/0 01809617-v/0 02198819-v/0 02748495-v/0 00355038-v/0 02473688-v/0 01323958-v/0 !! kill
ctx_01 w3 02121620-n/0 10153414-n/0 09900153-n/0 03608870-n/0 02985606-n/0 02983507-n/0 02127808-n/0 00901476-n/0 !! cat
ctx_01 w4 03481824-n/0 03481172-n/0 05325943-n/0 03715669-n/0 03482001-n/0 03481674-n/0 03481521-n/0 01175316-n/0 !! hammer
Any ideas why? Using --ppr doesn't help, nor is using the "rels + gloss" relations graph.