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Govt now thinking of 3rd Heathrow runway or using Northolt

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Michael Bell

Mar 25, 2012, 9:21:49 AM3/25/12
In today's Observer

I'm astonished it hasn't been picked up yet on this group, but the
news itself is no surprise.

Michael Bell
Top Tories admit: we got it wrong on third runway at Heathrow

Ministers to rethink decision to rule out runway after warning that
trade will move elsewhere unless airport expanded

Toby Helm and Jamie Doward, Saturday 24 March 2012 21.20 GMT

Radical options to increase airport capacity in the south-east —
including developing RAF Northolt on the edge of London — are being
urgently considered by the government amid growing fears that its
decision to rule out a third runway at Heathrow is choking off
economic growth.

According to senior sources, both David Cameron and George Osborne
have been convinced of the need to act — and re-examine long-term
policy on Heathrow — after being lobbied by overseas leaders and
business figures who warn that trade will move elsewhere in the EU
unless the airport is expanded.

While the coalition agreement rules out a third runway at Heathrow,
which would never be tolerated by the pro-green Liberal Democrats,
many Tories now want the party to admit the decision was wrong and
back the new runway in the manifesto for the next general election. In

the meantime, however, ministers have ordered officials to examine a
series of other options. One is the use of RAF Northolt in Ruislip,
north-west London, for business flights, to ease pressure on Heathrow,

just 13 miles away. Developing Northolt — and perhaps connecting it to

Heathrow with a high speed rail link — would allow the government to
avoid accusations of a U-turn as the third runway would then be some
distance from the main airport.

Tim Yeo, the Tory chairman of the energy and climate change select
committee, said that he had "completely changed" his mind on Heathrow
expansion and now believed there was no option but to build a third
runway to ensure the south of England remained a worldwide aviation

Reflecting the views of many in his party, he said: "We cannot wait
around any longer. We have to get on with this. If we don't, the
Chinese and others will take their business elsewhere. There is no
time to delay."

Yeo, a countryside minister in John Major's government and a strong
environmentalist, said that new EU rules which came into force in
January and placed a cap on overall emissions for flights that start
or finish in the EU had "changed the argument completely" and given
ministers cover to change course.

"If we build a new runway, people can no longer say emissions will
soar as there is a cap," he said. "I think there is a major rethink
going on and there needs to be." He said that plans by Boris Johnson,
the mayor of London, for a new airport in the Thames estuary, which
are also being looked at by ministers, were "too expensive and in the
wrong place".

Another alternative to expansion of Heathrow would be to build a
second runway at Gatwick. Cameron provided a strong hint last week
that this was on the table. "I'm not blind to the need to increase
airport capacity, particularly in the south-east," he said. "Gatwick
is emerging as a business airport for London under a new owner,
competing with Heathrow. No construction work could start at Gatwick
until 2019 but this would not stop officials drawing up plans to
establish a framework."

In his budget speech on Wednesday, Osborne said that a landmark report

on aviation policy, expected this week, had been delayed. Officials
said this was to allow the announcement of a "call for evidence" on
how the south-east could retain its "hub capacity".

The delay suggests that ministers are scrambling to formulate a
coherent strategy for the future of Britain's airports and believe
that the status quo is not an option.

Nic Ferriday of AirportWatch, which opposes airport expansion, played
down the idea of RAF Northolt being used. "The runway would have to be

realigned," he said. "It's also several miles from Heathrow." Complex
air traffic control issues would have to be overcome.

Initial reports to government on Northolt's suitability also suggest
problems, particularly with the runway length, although changes have
not been ruled out.

Any indication that discussions on a third runway at Heathrow could be

re-opened would spark a furore — particularly with Lib Dems who would
see it as a betrayal of the green cause. Vince Cable, the business
secretary, whose Twickenham constituency is on the Heathrow flight
path, would oppose it vigorously. Justine Greening, the transport
secretary and MP for Putney, Roehampton and Southfields in south-west
London, would also resist a change of policy, having opposed a third
runway before the last election.

Other Tories would also be strongly opposed. Speaking at a Guardian
"open weekend" on Saturday Zac Goldsmith, the Tory MP for Richmond
Park and North Kingston, said he would resign as an MP if the party
did a U-turn.

Gareth Thomas, Labour MP for Harrow West, which would be affected by
flights into Northolt, said there were clear signs that ministers were

rethinking their strategy. "I think the government has to come clean
and decide what it is going to do."

Last month, Heathrow's China traffic, including Hong Kong flights,
fell 0.7%. In 2011, traffic grew 3%, compared with growth of 9% in
Paris and Frankfurt. BAA, the airports operator, has campaigned for a
third runaway at Heathrow, but its proposals have failed to gain

The government's climate change committee will publish a report next
week outlining the need for the UK to reduce its carbon emissions
through a series of incremental cuts until 2050.


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