On 01/12/2022 13:54, Geoff Clare wrote:
> grinch wrote:
>> Speak to Zen directly but I would not be surprised if you only get a
>> permanently on or off cli option.
> Did you miss my post in this thread where I said that 141 works?
No I understood that but it is not likely that its your router is
withholding the cli but further up the chain between calling and called
parties. Given that 141 is not the correct command according to the
router manufacturer.
Its 25 years since I worked on PSTN equipment but 141 would cause a
SystemX exchanges to withhold the cli and I thought it was UK wide
irrespective of the make of the exchange .
I also think I remember it was withheld at the called parties local
exchange not the calling party local exchange.
So it may be the called parties exchange that is withholding the cli not
your router,which is what I said.
> I sent them an email reporting that the methods described on their
> website don't work but 141 does, suggesting that perhaps this had
> changed on their VoIP system but the website had not caught up.
> I got a response that they would forward the information to the
> website team (but without actually saying my guess was right, so
> that remains to be seen if/when the web page is updated).
It is most likely a correct command and without packet sniffing the
outgoing data you cant be certain.
If you are correct that it makes no difference then they should put on
the website, that " the way our system is configured it make no
difference what you set your router to cli wise".
But as I said it works the way you want it to ,not just how you thought
it would.