On 01 Oct 2022 13:05:53 +0100 (BST), Theo
Really? I'm an ee customer. Last year I bought a new (unused) phone
locked to ee from an eBay seller. On my ee account there's a link for
unlocking, no charge, but it didn't work for me because the ee system
knew the phone had been issued to someone else; I think it had been
supplied as an upgrade. The next time I checked my account the phone
had been unlocked, which I guess was because of the rule banning
locking coming into effect.
A few years ago I bought the previous phone, also new, unopened, also
from an eBay seller, which was supposed to be unlocked, but it wasn't.
After some exchanges with the vendor, who had got it from a mate, and
who thought it was unlocked, he told me that it might be on O2, so
rather than sending it back I paid a website for the unlock code and
got the vendor to refund me, which he did after he'd checked with