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Bilsdale off the air for all services.

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Mark Carver

Aug 10, 2021, 8:47:17 AM8/10/21
Reports that there is a fire there ?

Brian Gaff (Sofa)

Aug 10, 2021, 9:00:27 AM8/10/21
Is that a brush fire or at the actual transmitter? I would have thought they
would have multiple feeds to such an important site?


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The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
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"Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message

Mark Carver

Aug 10, 2021, 9:07:51 AM8/10/21
On 10/08/2021 14:00, Brian Gaff (Sofa) wrote:
> Is that a brush fire or at the actual transmitter? I would have thought they
> would have multiple feeds to such an important site?
All I know is a third hand report of a fire. Every service died at
around 13:25hrs

Don't discount 5G arsonist nutters !!


Aug 10, 2021, 9:07:54 AM8/10/21
On 10/08/2021 13:47, Mark Carver wrote:
> Reports that there is a fire there ?

All UHF TV is off. R Tees is off.


Andy Burns

Aug 10, 2021, 9:11:00 AM8/10/21
Mark Carver wrote:

> Reports that there is a fire there ?



Aug 10, 2021, 9:11:09 AM8/10/21
On 10/08/2021 13:47, Mark Carver wrote:
> Reports that there is a fire there ?

I can faintly hear Tees from Whitby (I expected it to be off) and I
think he's saying something about '...and we'll try to find out...'



Aug 10, 2021, 9:17:44 AM8/10/21
Radio Tees is on the internet as normal.


Mark Carver

Aug 10, 2021, 9:26:55 AM8/10/21
Implies a fire inside the mast. That won't end well (particularly as
Bilsdale is a tubular design)

This happened to a similar mast in The Netherlands a while back


Aug 10, 2021, 9:33:12 AM8/10/21
In article <sett99$2ci$>,
Brian Gaff \(Sofa\) <> wrote:
> Is that a brush fire or at the actual transmitter? I would have thought they
> would have multiple feeds to such an important site?
> Brian

No.There was only 1 electricity feeder. A gas turbine powered generator was
the reserve.

from KT24 in Surrey, England
"I'd rather die of exhaustion than die of boredom" Thomas Carlyle

Mark Carver

Aug 10, 2021, 9:35:52 AM8/10/21

Andy Burns

Aug 10, 2021, 9:40:08 AM8/10/21
Mark Carver wrote:

> Or it could be the building, going by this picture

Keep scrolling down ...

Mark Carver

Aug 10, 2021, 9:42:32 AM8/10/21
Oh, my. Nothing that can be done there. Stand 1000ft away and watch


Aug 10, 2021, 11:12:04 AM8/10/21


Aug 10, 2021, 11:25:39 AM8/10/21
"Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Does the second picture, of smoke issuing from the top of the mast,
necessarily mean that the mast and its cables are on fire? Could it be that
the hollow mast is acting as a chimney, venting smoke from the transmitter
building below?

Mark Carver

Aug 10, 2021, 11:33:25 AM8/10/21
It'll be very hot smoke, and coating whatever is inside the mast with
all sorts of nasty stuff


Aug 10, 2021, 11:42:49 AM8/10/21
"Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
Do transmitter sites tend to keep the transmitters and the aerials separate
so a fire in one doesn't vent hot smoke into the other?

I wonder what disaster-recovery plans there are for Bilsdale. I wonder if
they will get any muxes back on via temporary masts/transmitters, as
happened when Emley Moor mast fell down in 1969.

I bet aerial riggers will be busy for people on the reception boundaries,
turning people's aerials to point at Emley Moor, Bilsdale, Oliver's Mount
etc and helping people retune.


Aug 10, 2021, 11:56:03 AM8/10/21
"Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
> Reports that there is a fire there ?

Richmondshire Today News is saying that it was due to a lightning (*)

So probably any equipment that survives the fire will have been fried by the

(*) Except they spell it "lightening" (opposite of "darkening") ;-)

Mark Carver

Aug 10, 2021, 11:56:08 AM8/10/21
On 10/08/2021 16:42, NY wrote:
> "Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
>> On 10/08/2021 16:25, NY wrote:
>>> "Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
>>>> On 10/08/2021 14:31, Andy Burns wrote:
>>>>> Mark Carver wrote:
>>>>>> Or it could be the building, going by this picture
>>>>> Keep scrolling down ...
>>>> Oh, my. Nothing that can be done there. Stand 1000ft away and watch
>>> Does the second picture, of smoke issuing from the top of the mast,
>>> necessarily mean that the mast and its cables are on fire? Could it
>>> be that the hollow mast is acting as a chimney, venting smoke from
>>> the transmitter building below?
>> It'll be very hot smoke, and coating whatever is inside the mast with
>> all sorts of nasty stuff
> Do transmitter sites tend to keep the transmitters and the aerials
> separate so a fire in one doesn't vent hot smoke into the other?

Bilsdale (like Mendip, Belmont, Winter Hill, Waltham, and the ill fated
Emley mast) are enclosed tubular steel construction.

Quite unstable in certain conditions as two of those masts have had
collapses (as have similar masts in Germany and The Netherlands)

There's no pictures of the mast base available on mb21, but Waltham's
arrangement might provide a clue, scroll down

Mark Carver

Aug 10, 2021, 11:59:40 AM8/10/21
On 10/08/2021 16:56, NY wrote:
> "Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
>> Reports that there is a fire there ?
> Richmondshire Today News is saying that it was due to a lightning (*)
> strike.
> So probably any equipment that survives the fire will have been fried
> by the
> lightning.

I don't think so. Read the article again . It's just what some random 
person on Twitter said.

Met Office radar shows no heavy showers in the area until well after the

Jeff Layman

Aug 10, 2021, 1:09:12 PM8/10/21
On 10/08/2021 14:26, Mark Carver wrote:
What a crap piece of reporting! It just shows the "talking head" whilst
the action goes on off picture. Why they didn't have the voice going in
the background whilst the camera focused on the mast fire I don't



tony sayer

Aug 10, 2021, 1:29:27 PM8/10/21
In article <seu5ph$ao0$>, NY <m...@privacy.invalid>
scribeth thus
Very much so, be a real sod cleaning that lot out!....
Tony Sayer

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person.

Give him a keyboard, and he will reveal himself.

tony sayer

Aug 10, 2021, 1:29:27 PM8/10/21
In article <seu7ih$de1$>, NY <m...@privacy.invalid>
scribeth thus
Bet it wasn't, that sort of structure will be well earthed and

No reported lightning in the area that I can see of!..


Aug 10, 2021, 2:49:55 PM8/10/21
On 10/08/2021 18:25, tony sayer wrote:
> Very much so, be a real sod cleaning that lot out!....

At Eitshal they emptied the transmitter room and a local builder steam
cleaned it I believe.


Aug 10, 2021, 2:52:16 PM8/10/21
On 10/08/2021 18:28, tony sayer wrote:
> Bet it wasn't, that sort of structure will be well earthed and
> protected!..
> No reported lightning in the area that I can see of!..

Probably just some "expert" on Twitter but it is not always the classic
"bolt of lightning".


Aug 10, 2021, 3:05:03 PM8/10/21
On 10/08/2021 18:28, tony sayer wrote:
> Bet it wasn't, that sort of structure will be well earthed and
> protected!..

I have known lots of "well earthed and protected" to be damaged (or even
destroyed) by lightning. I spent many hour restoring service at places
after lightning. All had been "well earthed and protected".

Lightning is strange stuff, I went to one hilltop site. Most damage was
the monitoring equipment as usual, the telephone line was dead but OK
after I changed the BT fuse.

We had a metal equipment trolley that was pushed up against the metal
wall heater. The telephone was on the trolley with the handset "coily"
cord trailing over the edge. I pushed the trolley but would not move
until I gave a sharp push - it was spot welded to the metal wall heater.
Then noticed that the "coily" cord was discoloured where it trailed
over the metal edge of the trolley. But it still worked!


Aug 10, 2021, 3:19:31 PM8/10/21
The tower base is not directly attached to the building so if smoke is
getting up there it is either being piped up the cables of the cables
themselves are on fire. I think the original 6½" aluminium outer cables
would have been replaced ta DSO for smaller all copper co-ax, but if
there is any ally left, well think of Morbourn and the Falklands.....

Andy Burns

Aug 10, 2021, 3:19:46 PM8/10/21
NY wrote:

> Do transmitter sites tend to keep the transmitters and the aerials
> separate so a fire in one doesn't vent hot smoke into the other?

But aren't the feeders essentially big fat copper tubes?


Aug 10, 2021, 3:27:11 PM8/10/21
I remember an ambulance customer taking a lightning hit on a 30m mast at
the side of the Control building. The mast had a 4ft 1500MHz dish and a
shrouded yagi (a.k.a. donkey's plonker) for analogue links. The
equipment was on the first floor so the cables came off the tower at
about 5m.

The 1500MHz link equipment was untouched, as was the analogue mux
attached to it and the radio control equipment. On the very end was a
PDP11 computer (remember them?) and it took out the 'christmas tree' in
the PDP and fused a four pair telephone cable inside a 2" steel trunk
between the equipment room and the Control Room next door.

Mark Carver

Aug 10, 2021, 3:28:59 PM8/10/21
Could be fun doing that inside a 1000 ft long, 6 ft diameter metal tube !

Ulrich Onken

Aug 10, 2021, 4:44:19 PM8/10/21
Am 10.08.2021 um 17:56 schrieb Mark Carver:

> Bilsdale (like Mendip, Belmont, Winter Hill, Waltham, and the ill fated
> Emley mast) are enclosed tubular steel construction.
> Quite unstable in certain conditions as two of those masts have had
> collapses (as have similar masts in Germany and The Netherlands)

On 15 January 1985, the tubular steel tower "Bielstein (Teutoburger
Wald)" of WDR in Germany collapsed in the early morning hours. The tower
was 298 metres tall; there was no fire, but it collapsed due to high
winds and icing of the guy wires. At that time I was a student in
Münster and got my wake-up call from the radio. On that morning the the
radio suddenly went silent before half past six. I switched to another
frequency, only to learn of the reasons for the transmitter failure in
the news bulletin at 7. The background is described here: (page 13-, in German, but with
plenty of pictures).

Notably, the main FM service on 93.2 MHz was back on air 8 hours later,
using a backup transmitter of BFBS in Bielefeld, some 30 km northwest of
Bielstein. It took a few more days for the WDR engineers to install a
backup tower at Bielstein and more than a year to replace the original
tower with a steel lattice construction of 302 metres.

By the way, BFBS has stopped broadcasting from Bielefeld only in spring
2020, after most of the British troops had left the area.


Dickie mint

Aug 10, 2021, 4:54:06 PM8/10/21
On 10/08/2021 18:28, tony sayer wrote:
> No reported lightning in the area that I can see of!..

Unless I'm misusing it, or as its Beta it's not working there is no
Lightning shown in the area on!;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=0.00;ts=0;y=54.3591;x=-1.1464;z=15;d=2;dl=2;dc=0;tsc=1;ts24=1;ar;as=21-08-10T06;


Aug 10, 2021, 9:35:02 PM8/10/21
On 10/08/2021 20:28, Mark Carver wrote:
>> At Eitshal they emptied the transmitter room and a local builder steam
>> cleaned it I believe.
> Could be fun doing that inside a 1000 ft long, 6 ft diameter metal tube !

Especially as it's vertical.


Roderick Stewart

Aug 11, 2021, 2:35:33 AM8/11/21
I noticed this bit in the Northern Echo article-

"The mast transmits TV and radio signals to parts of North Yorkshire,
Teesside and County Durham and hundreds of households have lost their
TV and radio reception this afternoon as a result of the fire".

Only hundreds? They can't all be using the internet for TV can they?


Mark Carver

Aug 11, 2021, 2:47:49 AM8/11/21
On 11/08/2021 07:35, Roderick Stewart wrote:
> Only hundreds? They can't all be using the internet for TV can they?
They probably will be by this evening !

That said, Sky and Freesat punters will be fine (obviously). You'd hope
Virgin Media in the area are able to use Pontop or satellite to restore
their services.

It'll be interesting to see how many people actually end up with no
means to watch the telly. (It'll be more than hundreds though !)


Aug 11, 2021, 3:44:48 AM8/11/21
On 11/08/2021 07:47, Mark Carver wrote:
> It'll be interesting to see how many people actually end up with no
> means to watch the telly. (It'll be more than hundreds though !)

People have managed in other areas when a local transmitter has been off
for some time.


Aug 11, 2021, 3:52:06 AM8/11/21
In article <>,
Roderick Stewart <> wrote:

>"The mast transmits TV and radio signals to parts of North Yorkshire,
>Teesside and County Durham and hundreds of households have lost their
>TV and radio reception this afternoon as a result of the fire".
>Only hundreds? They can't all be using the internet for TV can they?

That also triggered *my* "order of magnitude error" response :)

According to :-

"More than 1 million people ..."

So unless there are a LOT of people in each household up there, I
think they undersold it in the Echo article.
Mike Brown: mjb[-at-] |

Mark Carver

Aug 11, 2021, 3:57:58 AM8/11/21
Gimmie some examples ?


Aug 11, 2021, 4:14:08 AM8/11/21
I spent a week in a (not very good) hotel in Gairloch when Eitshal was
off, just listened to the radio and read books!

It is always claimed that the birth rate goes up when TV is off for any
time but never seen any figures to confirm this.

They did have a single containerised reserve transmitter to use for BBC1
but had to improvise for BBC2 - they got one of the Eitshal drives
working and managed to get back two 200 watt TWTs that had been given to
a university. A tunable SHF received appeared from somewhere (it was
said to have been used somewhere during the Falklands War).

Brian Gaff (Sofa)

Aug 11, 2021, 4:32:47 AM8/11/21
Well it was on the news last night but few details other than an exclusion
zone in case of compromised structural integrity.


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The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
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"Andy Burns" <> wrote in message
> Mark Carver wrote:
>> Reports that there is a fire there ?
> <>

Brian Gaff (Sofa)

Aug 11, 2021, 4:35:34 AM8/11/21
Whatever it is, one might expect that fire prevention and extinguishing
capabilities on site might have shut stuff down and put it out pdq, given
its location.


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"Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
> On 10/08/2021 14:26, Mark Carver wrote:
>> On 10/08/2021 14:02, Andy Burns wrote:
>>> Mark Carver wrote:
>>>> Reports that there is a fire there ?
>>> <>
>> Implies a fire inside the mast. That won't end well (particularly as
>> Bilsdale is a tubular design)
>> This happened to a similar mast in The Netherlands a while back

Brian Gaff (Sofa)

Aug 11, 2021, 4:39:53 AM8/11/21
Well you have me at a disadvantage but if smoke is getting into the mast one
must presume that hot gasses are as well, so even if structurally its sound,
I'd not bet on the feeder runs being unaffected by it. I'm assuming it has
guys. Thus what would happen if the bottom gave way and dropped I wonder.


This newsgroup posting comes to you directly from...
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"NY" <m...@privacy.invalid> wrote in message
> "Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
>> On 10/08/2021 14:31, Andy Burns wrote:
>>> Mark Carver wrote:
>>>> Or it could be the building, going by this picture


Aug 11, 2021, 4:41:00 AM8/11/21
On Wed 11/08/2021 08:38, Mike wrote:
> In article <>,
> Roderick Stewart <> wrote:
>> "The mast transmits TV and radio signals to parts of North Yorkshire,
>> Teesside and County Durham and hundreds of households have lost their
>> TV and radio reception this afternoon as a result of the fire".
>> Only hundreds? They can't all be using the internet for TV can they?
> That also triggered *my* "order of magnitude error" response :)
> According to :-
> "More than 1 million people ..."
> So unless there are a LOT of people in each household up there, I
> think they undersold it in the Echo article.

More the fact that Bilsdale covers a relatively large area which in the
main is quite sparsely populated. It is in a position such that it
'looks' straight up Wensleydale and much of Swaledale, it has clear view
over most of the Vale of York even down towards Doncaster, the flatter
eastern side of Co Durham, most of the coast up to Sunderland, and has
to be used by residents of parts of Harrogate and Knaresborough end even
York city. However it must never be overlooked that Bilsdale also
provides service to some 15 relays.
From a radio standpoint it broadcasts BBC National (directional
NW-ish), Classic FM, at least two national DAB muxes and a couple of
local muxes. IMSMC several FM relays (such as Whitby) also repeat off
air from Bilsdale.
Ergo if you count all of the people receiving TV, FM, and DAB from
Bilsdale I would suggest that 1m is a vast understatement!


Aug 11, 2021, 4:43:21 AM8/11/21
I notice that it is also reported that an engineer was working on site
at the time of the fire.......
Per a comment earlier some closer shots of the tower shows paint peeling
off the outside which suggests that the fire was possibly inside the tube.

Brian Gaff (Sofa)

Aug 11, 2021, 4:44:49 AM8/11/21
Well I could see when the Emley Moor collapse happened, the footage was a
bit indistinct in those days, but the aftermath spoke very loudly,
considering the weather they get up there. What construction is this one?

Strangely, when the temp mast was up back then, in lift conditions at uhf,
reception here was better! Down south , maybe the lobes were not quite the


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The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
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"NY" <m...@privacy.invalid> wrote in message
> "Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
>> On 10/08/2021 16:25, NY wrote:
>>> "Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
>>>> On 10/08/2021 14:31, Andy Burns wrote:
>>>>> Mark Carver wrote:
>>>>>> Or it could be the building, going by this picture
>>>>> Keep scrolling down ...
>>>> Oh, my. Nothing that can be done there. Stand 1000ft away and watch
>>> Does the second picture, of smoke issuing from the top of the mast,
>>> necessarily mean that the mast and its cables are on fire? Could it be
>>> that the hollow mast is acting as a chimney, venting smoke from the
>>> transmitter building below?
>> It'll be very hot smoke, and coating whatever is inside the mast with all
>> sorts of nasty stuff
> Do transmitter sites tend to keep the transmitters and the aerials
> separate so a fire in one doesn't vent hot smoke into the other?
> I wonder what disaster-recovery plans there are for Bilsdale. I wonder if
> they will get any muxes back on via temporary masts/transmitters, as
> happened when Emley Moor mast fell down in 1969.
> I bet aerial riggers will be busy for people on the reception boundaries,
> turning people's aerials to point at Emley Moor, Bilsdale, Oliver's Mount
> etc and helping people retune.

Brian Gaff (Sofa)

Aug 11, 2021, 4:51:18 AM8/11/21
As I recall, when you have any tubular structure up in a wind you get
turbulence as the air tries to wrap around the mast and comes away forming
low and high pressure areas. The mast I used to have on my chimney was a
capped 2in diameter one with a rotator on it and in certain winds it would
transmit a tone to the house structure, which kept me awake some nights, so
even small masts can have unexpected quirks.


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"Woody" <> wrote in message

Brian Gaff (Sofa)

Aug 11, 2021, 4:55:29 AM8/11/21
Probably depends on the structural damage assessment. It may be just a lot
simpler to run new cables up the mast and have done with it.


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The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
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"williamwright" <> wrote in message

Mark Carver

Aug 11, 2021, 4:55:44 AM8/11/21
On 11/08/2021 09:40, Woody wrote:
> From a radio standpoint it broadcasts BBC National (directional
> NW-ish), Classic FM, at least two national DAB muxes and a couple of
> local muxes. IMSMC several FM relays (such as Whitby) also repeat off
> air from Bilsdale.
Whitby is a relay of Pontop for national radio, it's a Bilsdale relay
for TV and BBC Radio Tees.

The FM nationals at Bilsdale will be quite a way down the priority list,
the area is served quite well by HM and Pontop (indeed FM national radio
came very late to Bilsdale anyway)
DAB less of a problem too, plenty of other sites in the populated areas

What's more of a priority for radio is getting BBC Tees, and the three
ILRs back for FM radio,

If there is major work required there to rebuild the site, COM 7 won't
be coming back !

Brian Gaff (Sofa)

Aug 11, 2021, 4:57:13 AM8/11/21
Probably cos the talking head was safely elsewhere and the picture was not
of the actual event at that time?


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The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
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"Jeff Layman" <jmla...@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
> On 10/08/2021 14:26, Mark Carver wrote:
>> On 10/08/2021 14:02, Andy Burns wrote:
>>> Mark Carver wrote:
>>>> Reports that there is a fire there ?
>>> <>
>> Implies a fire inside the mast. That won't end well (particularly as
>> Bilsdale is a tubular design)
>> This happened to a similar mast in The Netherlands a while back
> What a crap piece of reporting! It just shows the "talking head" whilst
> the action goes on off picture. Why they didn't have the voice going in
> the background whilst the camera focused on the mast fire I don't
> understand.
> --
> Jeff

Brian Gaff (Sofa)

Aug 11, 2021, 5:01:42 AM8/11/21
That is probably a spell chucker at work. I don't know, I'd have expected
given the remote locations of these sites that a strike was going to happen
sooner or later and that the case of fire in such a situation would be
minimised. After all as somebody who was within 20 feet of a lightning
strike back in the 80s, it did not set that building alight, but made an
impressive hole in the roof an fried every electronic device inside, even
the fork lift truck charger.


This newsgroup posting comes to you directly from...
The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
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"NY" <m...@privacy.invalid> wrote in message
> "Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
>> Reports that there is a fire there ?
> Richmondshire Today News is saying that it was due to a lightning (*)
> strike.
> So probably any equipment that survives the fire will have been fried by
> the
> lightning.
> (*) Except they spell it "lightening" (opposite of "darkening") ;-)

Brian Gaff (Sofa)

Aug 11, 2021, 5:03:52 AM8/11/21
That is not actually proof though, I've seen almost instant lightening in
other countries almost out of a clear blue sky.
Has to do with air turbulence apparently.


This newsgroup posting comes to you directly from...
The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
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"Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
> On 10/08/2021 16:56, NY wrote:
>> "Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message
>>> Reports that there is a fire there ?
>> Richmondshire Today News is saying that it was due to a lightning (*)
>> strike.
>> So probably any equipment that survives the fire will have been fried by
>> the
>> lightning.
> I don't think so. Read the article again . It's just what some random
> person on Twitter said.
> Met Office radar shows no heavy showers in the area until well after the
> event

Brian Gaff (Sofa)

Aug 11, 2021, 5:06:13 AM8/11/21
To be honest this time of year is the best time to have no tv as the
schedules are mostly full of repeats!



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The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
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"Mark Carver" <mark....@invalid.invalid> wrote in message