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assisted shaktipat should have occurred

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David Dalton

Oct 2, 2023, 1:04:03 AM10/2/23
There should have been assisted shaktipat (transference of
grace) from me to 1.18 million assisted shaktipat recipients
(a.s.r.) globally.

The a.s.r. have to be at least minor good as defined by
Goddess (the ruler of the region all/everything), where
the average goodness level of humans globally is
minor criminal (below neutral).

Some, if they are at least minor good, who are among the
a.s.r. are :

1. Qi Gong Masters
2. Reiki Masters (Level III) who have practiced for at least
five years after receiving their Level III certificate, and who
received their atunement in person, not over video,
3. yoga teachers who train and certify other yoga teachers
4. certified yoga therapists
5. therapeutic touch practitioners who train and certify other
therapeutic touch practitioners
6. martial arts Masters
7. those who think they are matchmakers and are so thought
by at least 300 others
8. those who are “ordained” by Goddess, including some atheists,
9. those who have read at least 8000 words of my writing.

All of the above would be as of 0259 UTC Sept. 22, 2023,
so it would not include someone who gained such
qualifications after that. Some other categories are listed
on the Recent Changes subpage of my Salmon on the Thorns

To test if you are an a.s.r. I suggest that you attempt a
healing. Though in my case the primary siddhi is
matchmaking, not healing as in the case of Jesus,
the assisted shaktipat should result in a slight improvement
in healing ability (especially of mental health problems,
though up close, not remotely). If you attempt a healing
or any other positive (as defined by Goddess) magickal
working, you will receive (P) as closure if you are an
a.s.r. I define (P) as a perineum click (short period
mula bandha) immediately followed by a shakti/kundalini
buzz/rush/wave from perineal chakra to crown chakra
that is more internal and less expansive than a kundalini
antenna orgasm wave. Receipt of (P) would mean
that you are an a.s.r. but does not guarantee that
your working has worked, but the more positive it is
the more likely it is to work.

The assisted shaktipat should have granted the a.s.r.
a wide range of abilities, including matchmaking ability,
for which my Eight Sexual Harmonics theory on may prove useful,
and also improved creativity for positive (as defined
by Goddess, who many call God) purposes. Ask
me if you want a list of the abilities.

Please follow up if you receive (P).

For my recent and ongoing progress see alt.religion.druid ,
and for background see my Salmon on the Thorns webpage.

-- Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill
And the hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand” (Ferron)

David Dalton

Oct 7, 2023, 11:53:29 PM10/7/23
On Oct 2, 2023, David Dalton wrote
(in article<>):
The assisted shaktipat was not complete when I posted the
above but now should be, so try the healing attempt test
of (P) delivery again. Or if you don’t want to try a healing
attempt without permission, one other test would be to
will a chi loop around a room to “charge” it for positive
purposes (e.g. for further Pan-ability enhancement of a
musical performance, or for further positive magickal

David Dalton

Oct 10, 2023, 4:03:58 AM10/10/23
On Oct 8, 2023, David Dalton wrote
(in article<>):
No, the assisted shaktipat was complete by 0801 UTC
October 10, 2023 (World Mental Health Day).

This is the last time I will post to this thread unless there
are questions. For further progress see alt.religion.druid .
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